Translation of the song Sve ove godine artist Indexi


Sve ove godine

English translation

Аll these years

Jedna mala, pjegava, plava, ne da mi mira

A freckled blue eyed girl, won't leave me alone

Kad je sretnem, hoće nešto da mi da

When I meet her, she wants to give me something

Kad je pitam šta bi mi dala, neće da kaže

When i ask her what is she going to give me, she won't tell(me)

Samo kimne glavom kao da bi dala sve.

She's only nod as she say that she's gonna give everything

Idi mala, idi što prije

Go girl, go as soon as possible

Još si mala, vrijeme ti nije

You are still young, is not your time

Bježi mala prije no što padne noc.

Run away girl, before it's getting dark

Sve ove godine

All these years

Dala bi za jednu noć

You would give up for one nightI

A mene nikad ne bi imala

But you wouldn't ever have me

Jer ja moram drugoj poć

Because I have to go to another woman

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