Translation of the song Voljela je sjaj u travi artist Indexi


Voljela je sjaj u travi

English translation

She liked glimmer in the grass

Voljela je sjaj u travi, Lorku i Bodlera

She liked glimmer in the grass, Lorca and Baudelaire

Živjela u svijetu pjesme, ranjiva i nježna

She lived in the world of a song, fragile and gentle

Maštala je ovdje mirno, sasvim izvan svijeta

She was daydreaming here, calmly, entirely out of the world

Sva je bila moja, a ipak daleka...

She was all mine, and yet distant

Ne traži me, nemoj nikad zvati.

Don't look for me, don't you ever call.

Zaboravi, što je nekad bilo nečes naći

Forget it, you won't find what once was

Sad si u životu i morala bi znati

You are in the life now and you should know

Nema više nikog da ti vrati sjaj u travi...

That there is no one to give you back the glimmer in the grass

Voljela je sjaj u travi, a sada je žena

She liked glimmer in the grass, and now she is a woman

Spustio se ovaj život na ramena njena

This life has fallen down to her shoulders

Iako je duša njena pjesmom zanesena

Although her soul is distracted by a song

Vizija iz snova, obična je želja...

A vision from a dream is just a wish

Ne traži me, nemoj nikad zvati

Don't look for me, don't you ever call.

Zaboravi, što je nekad bilo nečes naći

Forget it, you won't find what once was

Sad si u životu i morala bi znati

You are in the life now and you should know

Nema više nikog da ti vrati sjaj u travi...

That there is no one to give you back the glimmer in the grass

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