Translation of the song Aspirin protiv ljubavi artist Valentino (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Aspirin protiv ljubavi

English translation

Aspirine against love

Dio po dio odlaziš

Part by part you're going away,

dio po dio nestaješ

part by part, you dissapear

ja ne znam šta to bješe sa tobom

i didn't know what happened to you,

moja draga, moja draga

my dear, my dear,

Ti gasiš svjetlo za sobom

You shut down the light after you,

mrak zoveš mojim imenom

the darkness you call by my name,

ja i cigara isto gorimo

me and my cigarette, burn the same,

moja draga

my dear



Koliko puta si moje oči ljubila

How many times you've kissed my eyes,

a svoje suze skrivala uzalud

and tried to hide your own tears, in vain,

toliko puta danju mi osmijeh davala

how many times you gave me your smile,

a noću za nas molila uzalud

but at the night you've been praying for us, in vain

Život nam Bog podario

God gave us a life,

a stari ime nadio

My father gave me the name,

samo niko da izmisli aspirin

But no one ever invented aspirine,

protiv ljubavi, protiv ljubavi

against love, against love

Ja ljubav ne razumijem

I don't understand love,

ja samo znam da tugujem

I only know the sadness,

samo reci što je bolji od mene

Just tell me why is he better than me,

moja draga

my dear...

Ref. 2x

Chorus x2

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