Translation of the song Elefants artist Oques grasses



English translation


Tinc un cel i un infern a dins,

I have heaven and hell within

Milers de nits que es fan matins,

Thousands of nights turning morning

Comptant les llàgrimes al buit

Counting tears in the void

He après a caure cap amunt.

I learned to fall higher.

Dins el plany, dins el pla... iaiai

In my sadness, in my sadness... iaiai

Hi ha una estrella que em diu,

There's a star that tells me

Que no et trepitgi mai ningú,

Don't let anyone walk right over you

No deixis mai de ser tu.

Never stop being yourself.

I si el cor diu que vol jugar-s'ho tot,

And if my heart says that it wants to risk everything,

Qui soc jo per dir-li que no?

who am I to tell it no?

Qui soc jo per dir-li que no?

Who am I to tell it no?

Qui soc jo per dir-me que no?

Who am I to tell myself no?

Si veig l'error com una religió,

If I look at my errors like a religion

Reso a les nits per viure dies nous,

I'll pray at night to live new days

Estimo el sol quan fa dies que plou,

I love the sun when it's been days since it rained

Vull viure-ho tot com un primer petó.

I want to live everything like a first kiss.

De què em serveix la por?

What is fear good for?

Hi ha un mur per cada decisió,

There's a wall at every decision

Salto a l'abisme perquè és el que vull,

I climb out of the abyss because it's what I want

La sort no et busca, te la busques tu,

Luck doesn't look for you, you look for it

Ningú afronta per tu les teves pors.

Nobody will face your fears for you

Segur que has pensat que no es pot,

I'm sure you've thought that you can't

Tornar a renéixer des de dins el sot,

get up and be reborn from beneath a grave,

Quan m'he fet pols sempre m'ha fet millor,

Giving myself a pulse has always made me feel better

He après a veure-ho clar quan es fa fosc.

I've learned to see clearly when it's dark

Perdent és quan més he guanyat,

When I lose is when I win the most

Què m'impedeix anar amb el cap amunt?

Who's stopping me from reaching higher?

Vull veure un cel que no es pot gobernar,

I want to see a sky that can't be tamed

Jo només vull veure elefants volant.

I just want to see elephants fly.

Jo només vull veure elefants volant,

I just want to see elephants fly,

Jo només vull veure elefants volant.

I just want to see elephants fly,

Jo només vull veure elefants volant.

I just want to see elephants fly.

Creixen flors on cauen les pedres,

Flowers grow where rocks fall down

Tot el que ens enfonsa és tot el que ens salva.

That which destroys us is that which saves us

Busco un lloc entre la incertesa

I'm looking for a place between uncertainty

Per quedar-m'hi a viure,

Where I'll stay and live,

Si sempre que em perdo és quan puc trobar-me

Yes, every time I lose myself, I find myself

Flors on cauen les pedres.

Flowers where rocks fall down

Tot el que ens enfonsa és tot el que ens salva.

That which destroys us is that which saves us

Busco un lloc entre la incertesa

I'm looking for a place between uncertainty

Per quedar-m'hi a viure,

Where I'll stay and live,

Si sempre que em perdo...

Yes, every time I lose myself...

Tinc un cel i un infern a dins,

I have heaven and hell within

Milers de nits que es fan matins,

Thousands of nights turning morning

Comptant les llàgrimes al buit

Counting tears in the void

He après a caure cap amunt.

I learned to fall from higher.

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