Translation of the song Escopinya artist Oques grasses



English translation


Camino perque sí,

I walk just because,

m’omple el camí,

the road fulfills me

no espero que em porti enlloc.

i don't expect it to get me anywhere.

Avui plou cap amunt,

It's raining upwards today,

avui no es queixa

today one does not complain

de mala sort.

of bad luck.

Puc aguantar-ho tot

I can handle it all

igual que el terra m’aguanta a mi.

just as the ground holds me.

Camino per seguir,

Path to follow,

faig nius de pedra,

I make stone nests,

reneix l’instint.

instinct is reborn.

El nostre saber no sap que vindrà,

Our knowledge does not know what will come,

et va fent com ets, et va fent així.

it makes you the way you are, it makes you like that.

En aquest afluent del que t’ha passat,

In this tributary of what happened to you,

que va omplint el llac dels troços d’ahir.

which is filling the lake with yesterday’s pieces.

Ets un aspersor d’amor,

You are a sprinkler of love,



Escopinya vull ser,

A cockle I want to be,

i omplir-me fent res.

and fulfilled doing nothing.

Quan tens una cosa vols l’altre

When you have one thing you want the other

i l’altre i l’altre i així estem.

and the other and the other and so we are.

Saps que és millor de color verd,

You know it looks better in green,

deixar que tot ens vagi fent,

let everything remain the same to us,

fa por això d’anar decidint

it's scary to decide

però es fa camí amb el sí entre els dits.

but it makes a way with the 'yes' between the fingers.

I si volen els dies?

And what if the days will fly by?

Volaré les nits.

I will fly at night.

i si perdo el temps?

what if I waste my time?

L’ompliré de desig.

I will fill it with desire.

I si no em porta enlloc?

What if it doesn’t get me anywhere?

Ja ho veuré demà.

I'll see about that tomorrow.

Ets un aspersor,

You are a sprinkler,

ets un aspersor d’amor.

you are a sprinkler of love.

El que portes ho portes tu,

What you bring only you bring out,

portes la foscor,

you bring out darkness,

portes camps de llum.

you bring out rays of light.



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