Translation of the song Sta Guai artist Oques grasses


Sta Guai

English translation

It's cool

La lluna es va banyant de sol,

The moon is dipping in the sun,

sense esperar la sort,

without waiting for luck,

sap que esperant s’adorm

she knows that while waiting she falls asleep

i va patint pel temps.

and she worries about the time.

L’essència et fa ser així com ets,

Essence makes you be who you are,

de troços de matins i nits,

of pieces of morning and nights,

d’abraçades de veritat

of real hugs

i de petons prohibits.

and forbidden kisses

La pluja fa feliç al bosc,

The rain makes the forest happy,

el bé i el mal es van vivint.

good and evil live.

Sempre que m’he callat els cops

Every time I haven't complained about a hit

se m’han anat quedant per dins.

they have stayed inside.

Si tampoc cal entendre-ho tot,

You also don't have to understand everything,

si no entenem d’encerts i errors

if we don't understand right and wrong choices

es fa una mica més bonic.

it makes it a little bit more lovely.

Que aquí ningú neix preparat

Because no one is born ready

ni per ser jove,

for being young,

ni per fer-se gran.

or for getting old.

Anem venint i anem marxant,

We come and we go,

si ho fem senzill ens hi farem menys mal.

if we make it easier we won't get hurt as easily.

Una tornada guai,

A cool return,

que aguanti l’envestida.

that endures the impact.

No ens cansarem mai

We will never get tired

d’estimar esquivant ortigues,

of loving while avoiding nettles,

de cantar-te uns laralai.

of singing you laralai.

Es pot respirar com respiren les tardes,

You can breathe like the afternoons breathe,

es pot estimar com s’estimen els arbres,

you can love like the trees love,

sense que ho vegi ningú,

without anyone else seeing,

sense esperar res de ningú,

without needing anything in return,

aquella cosa que brilla per dins

that thing that shines on the inside

que et va fent a tu,

that makes you,

que em va fent a mi.

that makes me.

Som les llàgrimes dels moments purs,

We're the tears of the pure moments,

se’ns assequen i ens fan obrir els ulls.

they dry and they make us open our eyes.

Hi ha un sentiment que va quedant suspès,

There's a sentiment that stays hanging,

vol aguantar-se inhert entre el vent,

it wants to stay inert in the wind,

va aprenent de les crostes que es fa

it learns from the scabs it gets

dins aquest horitzó platejat.

in this silver horizon.

Ha plorat igual que jo

It has cried like me

i quan riu, riu de veritat.

and when it laughs, it laughs truthfully.

Quan deixa de pensar en el després

When it stops thinking in the future

i quan ja no carrega el passat.

and when it doesn't carry the past.

Que aquí ningú neix preparat,

Because no one is born ready

ni per ser jove ni per fer-se gran.

for being young,

Anem venint i anem marxant,

or for getting old.

si ho fem senzill ens hi farem menys mal.

We come and we go,

Una tornada guai,

A cool return,

que aguanti l’envestida.

that endures the impact.

No ens cansarem mai

We will never get tired

d’estimar esquivant ortigues,

of loving while avoiding nettles,

de cantar-te uns laralai.

of singing you laralai.

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