Translation of the song Talismà artist Oques grasses
Quan soc d’algú és quan no soc ningú,
When I'm someone is when I'm no-one,
sé que em podria enamorar de tu
I know that I could fall in love with you
i de tu i de tu i vull llençar-me al buit,
with you with you and I want to throw myself into the void
sé que em podria enamorar de tu.
I know that I could fall in love with you.
Yeye hi ets.
Yeye there you are.
No te’n refiïs de la bona sort,
Don't rely on good luck,
si tens clar que depèn de tu.
you do understand that it depends on you.
Si l’amor em fa tornar a perdre el cul
If love makes me lose my head again
no hi guanyo mai lluitant a contracor
I never win fighting against my heart
I ho vull viure com si fos l’últim cop,
And I want to live as though it were the last time
sentir-me a casa en un somni profund.
To feel at home in a deep sleep
Vull viure-ho com si no ho hagués viscut,
I want to live like I've never lived before
com si la vida no m’hagués fet mal.
As though life had never done me wrong.
No segueixis fingint que ets de pedra,
Don't carry on faking that you're a rock
quan t’has trencat tants cops aprens a refer-te.
When you've broken so many times you learn to rebuild yourself
Mirant enrere s’entenen les coses,
Looking behind, you understand things
però es viuen mirant endavant.
But living means looking forward.
Penjo d’un fil de nit i de dia,
I hang by a thread at night and during the day
no crec que vagi al cel però amb tu hi vaig a viure.
I don't think I'm going to heaven but with you I'll live there
Tot el que m’emporto i tot el que s’esborra,
Everything I carry within me, and everything that I lost
tot el que sento no m’hi cap entre les mans.
Everything that I feel, none of it is in my hands
Penjo d’un fil de nit i de dia,
I hang by a thread at night and during the day
no crec que vagi al cel però amb tu hi vaig a viure.
I don't think I'm going to heaven but with you I'll live there
Quan soc d’algú és quan no soc ningú,
When I'm someone is when I'm no-one,
sé que em podria enamorar de tu
I know that I could fall in love with you
i de tu i de tu i vull llençar-me al buit,
with you with you and I want to throw myself into the void
sé que em podria enamorar de tu.
I know that I could fall in love with you.
Yeye hi ets.
Yeye there you are.