Translation of the song Torno a ser jo artist Oques grasses
Torno a ser jo
I am myself again
A la fi tornaré a mi
Finally I'll go back to myself
Només l'ànima sap tot el que patim
Only the soul knows all that we suffer
Porto un temps que no se on vaig
I have gone some time without knowing where I'm going
M'he buscat per recordar-me qui era abans
I have searched myself to remind me of who I was
He d'acceptar que les coses van canviant
I have to accept that things are changing
I encara em queden moments per fer feliç
And I still have time to be happy
Ja no espero, ja no espero
I don't wait anymore, I don't wait anymore
Ja no et ploro, ja no et ploro
I don't cry for you anymore, I don't cry for you anymore
Ja no espero, ja no espero
I don't wait anymore, I don't wait anymore
Ja no et ploro, ja no et ploro més
I don't cry for you anymore, I don't cry for you anymore
Torno a ser jo, torno a ser jo
I am myself again, I am myself again
Com podria ser les ales d'aquell colom
How I could be the wings of that dove
Encara que em desvisques, no puc ser el que no sóc
Even if I went out of my way, I can't be what I'm not
Tampoc puc ser la calor d'aquell bell mes d'agost
I also can't be the heat of that beautiful month of August
No havíem sortit del niu, no coneixíem les pors
We hadn't comeout of our nest, we didn't know any fears
Que sóc la vida boja, l'eterna joventut
I am the crazy life, the eternal youth
I em sap molt greu però avui ja no ho puc fer millor
And I'm sorry but today I can't do any better
Només puc ser com sóc i anar aprenent de tot
I can only be who I am and learn from everything
I anar aprenent de tot
And learn from everything
Ja no espero, ja no espero
I don't wait anymore, I don't wait anymore
Ja no et ploro, ja no et ploro
I don't cry for you anymore, I don't cry for you anymore
Ja no espero, ja no espero
I don't wait anymore, I don't wait anymore
Ja no et ploro, ja no et ploro més
I don't cry for you anymore, I don't cry for you anymore
Torno a ser jo, torno a ser jo
I am myself again, I am myself again
I a la fi tornaré a mi
And finally I'll go back to myself
Només l'ànima sap tot el que tenim
Only the soul knows everything that we have
Hem plorat fins els bassals
We've cried all the way to the puddles
Que ara ens diuen les veritats
That now tell us the truths
Quan tanquis els ulls en el teu respirar sincer
When you close your eyes in your sincere breathing
No podràs ser qui no ets, no podràs ser qui no ets
Yo won't be able to be who you aren't, you won't be able to be who you aren't
I quan tanquis els ulls en el teu respirar sincer
When you close your eyes in your sincere breathing
No podràs ser qui no ets, no podràs ser qui no ets
Yo won't be able to be who you aren't, you won't be able to be who you aren't
I quan tanquis els ulls en el teu respirar sincer
When you close your eyes in your sincere breathing
No podràs ser qui no ets, no podràs ser qui no ets
Yo won't be able to be who you aren't, you won't be able to be who you aren't
Torna a ser tu, torna a ser tu
Be yourself again, be yourself again
Torno a ser jo
Be myself again