Translation of the song Autopilot artist Dubioza Kolektiv
Istina se sakrila u prazan frižider
The truth has hid inside the empty fridge
A u televizoru ratni je profiter
But on the TV is a war profiteer
Laže šta mu na um padne, ne postoji filter
He lies whatever comes to his mind, there is no filter
A ja više nemam snage za mrš ni za sikter
And I have no more strength - neither for be gone! nor sikter!1
Čekam te u parku, buljim u android
I'm waiting for you in the park, staring at [my] android
Opet kasniš pola sata
You're half an hour late again
E, stvarno si bolid
Eh, you're really a bolide2
Sjedimo na kafi, istovaraš probleme
We're sitting [while drinking] coffee, you're emptying your problems [over me]
Gledam tvoja usta kako jedu moje vrijeme
I look at your mouth while it's eating up my time
Bila si kod kozmetičarke
You were at your beautician's
Kupila burazu nove starke
[you] bought your brother new sneakers
U stanu radiš novi parket
You're placing new parquet in your flat
Do plate više nemaš marke
Till payday you won't have a single marka3
Ovaj vikend letiš za London
This weekend you're flying to London
Dopisuješ se ne znaš bonton
You text without knowing the etiquette
Nervozna k’o da si jela bombon
[You're] as nervous as if you ate a bonbon4
I ne znam šta još radim s tobom
And I [really] don't know what I'm still doing with you
Šutim i pušim, razmišljam o životu
I'm keeping quiet and smoking, thinking about life
Ne slušam te jer sam već na autopilotu
I don't listen to you because I'm already on autopilot
Ne pitaš me kako sam, al’ to i ne očekujem
You don't ask me how I am, but I didn't even expect that [from you]
Kažeš da me voliš
You say that you love me
Baš te briga dal’ ti vjerujem
You don't give a damn if I believe you
Ideš na ručak s ekipom sa posla
[You're] going to lunch with [your] team from work
Zadnje što čujem – jao, masna mi je kosa
The last thing that I hear - oh no, my hair is greasy
Ljubiš me u obraz, izlaziš na cestu
You kiss me on the cheek, go out on the street
Pomislim šta bih dao da sam na tvom mjestu
I think about what I would give to be in your stead
Bila si kod kozmetičarke
You were at your beautician's
Kupila burazu nove starke
[you] bought your brother new sneakers
U stanu radiš novi parket
You're placing new parquet in your flat
Do plate više nemaš marke
Till payday you won't have a single marka
Ovaj vikend letiš za London
This weekend you're flying to London
Dopisuješ se ne znaš bonton
You text without knowing the etiquette
Nervozna k’o da si jela bombon
[You're] as nervous as if you ate a bonbon
I ne d’o bog da pukne kondom
And God forbid that the condom bursts