Translation of the song Bankomat artist Dubioza Kolektiv
Pare nisu problem, para nema
Money isn't the problem, there is no money
Tu nema nikakvih dilema
There are no dilemmas
Ovdje se ne zna ko pije, ko plaća
Here no one understands who drinks, also pays
Ne možemo protiv svojih gena
We can't fight our genes
Svi bi htjeli pare ali ne vole radit’
Everyone wants money but they don't like to work
Najlakše je tuđim gloginje mlatit’
It's easiest to let someone else do the job1
A joj, ne može nam pomoć’ ni Dalaj Lama
Ugh, even the Dalai Lama can't help us
A joj, zemlja mala, a puna hajvana
Ugh, a small country yet full of savages2
Bojimo se motike, a htjeli bi hljeba
We're scared of hoes, but we would like bread
I čekamo da Euri padaju s neba
And we're waiting for Euros to fall from the sky
A joj, dal’ će ikad doći bolji dani
Ugh, will a better day ever come?
A joj, život prolazi nam u banani
Ugh, our lives pass in this banana republic
Kada si kokuz onda neće ni ljubav
When you're broke you won't even find love
Zaobilaze me žene k’o da sam gubav
Women pass me by like I'm a leper
A joj, nisam lijep niti poseban
Ugh, I'm not good-looking nor special
A joj, niti kreditno sposoban
Ugh, not even financially secure
Svaka prvo pita kol’ka je plata
Everyone first asks, how much is the pay?
Da li vraćam kredit, je li velika rata
Should I pay my credit, is there a high rate?
A joj, nije danas naivna Fata
Ugh, not today, naive Fatima
Hoće oku zlata sa bankomata
Wants a kilo of gold from the ATM
Pare nisu problem, para nema
Money isn't the problem, there is no money
Tu nema nikakvih dilema
There are no dilemmas
Ovdje se ne zna ko pije, ko plaća
Here no one understands who drinks, also pays
Ne možemo protiv svojih gena
We can't fight our genes
Stegni malo uzde draga, pravo si troškali
Tighten the reins, my dear, you're a real spendthrift
Pa sutra ćeš mi kukat kako opet nešto fali
Tomorrow you'll complain to me that something else is missing
Povuci malo ručnu bona, ne padaju s neba
Slow down, woman, money doesn't fall from the sky
Vazda si u šopingu, vazda nešto treba
You're always shopping, you always need something
Bona, Fato ohani, stani ba na loptu
Hey lady, Fatima, relax, hold your horses3
E da znaš da tako nećeš moći u Evropu
Just so you know you won't be able to do that in Europe
Tebi nikad dosta, uvijek fali da ga jebeš
It's never enough for you, you can't wait to fuck it up
Pa ne može nam bit’ da ih iz novina režeš
You can't start cutting money out of newspapers
Pare nisu problem, para nema
Money isn't the problem, there is no money
Tu nema nikakvih dilema
There are no dilemmas
Ovdje se ne zna ko pije, ko plaća
Here no one understands who drinks, also pays
Ne možemo protiv svojih gena
We can't fight our genes