Translation of the song Brijuni artist Dubioza Kolektiv



English translation

Brioni Islands

Na pulski aerodrom je sletilo više charter aviona

Many charter planes landed on airport of Pula,

sastaju se predsjednici našeg regiona

There is meeting of presidents of our region.

Od crnih limuzina se formirala kolona

Motorcade is formed of black limousines,

svi žure da gliserima skoknu do Briona

Everybody hurries to come to Brioni by powerboats.

Današnja je tema siva ekonomija

Today's topic is gray economy,

gdje se porez gubi, gdje se lova dobija

Where are taxes lost, and where is money got.

Ima l' kak'e vajde od inostranih lobija

Is there anything good from forein lobbies?

teške teme pa je neizbježna gastronomija

There are only hard topics, so there is gastronomy, too.

Kod švedskog stola su Josipović i Nikolić

Josipović* and Nikolić** sit by smorgasbord,

polako se pridružuje i Bakir Izetbegović

And slowly, Bakir Izetbegović*** is coming there.

Od današnjeg sastanka zabolile ih nogice

They have pain in ther legs because of todays meeting, so:

Zašto švedskom stolu fale švedske stolice?

Why there is no Swedish chairs alongside smorgasbord?****

Nikolić kaže: Naše težnje i aspiracije

Nikolić says: Our tendecies and aspirations

su ulazak u evro-atlantske integracije

Are entering Euro-Atlantic integrations.

Josipović kaže: Čuj, kompa, kužiš

Josipović says: Listen to me, my friend,

koliko ti je krevet dug, tolk'o se i pružiš

You can stretch out on your bed only how long it is.

A Bakir bi na to samo jednu stvar da doda

And Bakir would add only one thing:

Samo nek je zdravlja, biće sve, ako Bog da

Just, let we are healthy, everything else will come, if God let it,

inshalllah, ako Bog da

Inchallah, if God let it.

Željko Komsić puni lulu mira

Željko Komšić is filling peacepipe,

dobio je shita od zvaničnog Alžira

He's got shit from Official Algeria.

U oblaku dima dok uzima gitaru kaže:

He takes guitar in cloud of smoke, and says:

Hajde ba' da zapjevamo onu našu staru?

Let's sing our old song?

Politika je kurva

Politics is bitch,

Ubila je bomba

Damned her.

Džaba svi smo isti

No matter what, we are all the same,

Svi smo ista govna

We are all the same shit.

Sve tri delegacije stoje na balkonu

All of three delegations stand on balcony,

u dobroj atmosferi i laganom fazonu

In good atmosphere and casual style.

Da li je od rakije ili dobrog shita

Is it because of rakija, or because of good shit,

svima se učinilo da čuju druga Tita

Everybody seemed to hear voice of comrade Tito:

Da vas pitam drugovi, majku li vam vašu

Let me ask you, comrades, hell you,

zakaj ste razjebali lijepu Jugu našu

Why did you fuck up our beautiful Yuga*?!

Bratstva i jedinstva ugasili ste plamen

You extingushed the flame of fraternity and unity**,

svi ćete na Goli otok, tucaćete kamen

All of you will go to Goli Otok***, you will crush stones!

Nije ni zbog droge, nije kriva loza

It is not because of drugs, nor it is becuase of loza****,

sada opet čuju glas Josipa Broza

They, again hear voice of Josip Broz:

Zakaj ste se usrali, samo malo humora

Why did you frighten, it was just a little joke

da vas malo otrgnem od sastanka i umora

To get you away from meeting and tiredness.

Zasviraj harmoniku, razvezimo kravate

Let's play accordion, let's untie ties,

za narod ćemo lako, ko im jebe mater

It is easy to people, who give a fuck to them?

Politika je kurva

Politics is bitch,

Ubila je bomba

Damned her.

Džaba svi smo isti

No matter what, we are all the same,

Svi smo ista govna

We are all the same shit.

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