Translation of the song Krivo je more 2 artist Dubioza Kolektiv


Krivo je more 2

English translation

It's The Sea's Fault 2

Na TV-u neki dan majmun u kravati

On the TV a few days, ago a monkey in a suit

kaže da je nevin i da emotivno pati

Says that he's innocent and that he's emotionally suffering

Htjeli da ga sude i za privredni kriminal

They wanted to try him for white-collar crimes

terete ga da je pljačk'o carinski terminal

He's accused of robbing the customs terminal

Samo malo u pritvoru bio ovaj čova

This man was in jail just for a short while

radi isti pos'o al' još uvijek fali lova

He kept his job but the money is still missing

Jasno je da ovog funkcionerskoga smrada

It's clear that this functionary louse

za našeg života ovdje neće stići pravda

Will not face justice while we're alive

Ovo ti je, brate, loše da ne može gore

Brother, this is so bad that it couldn't be any worse

opet niko nije kriv - krivo je more

Again it's nobody's fault - it's the sea's fault

Ispred zgrade sa parkinga klepili mi Forda

My Ford got stolen from my building's parking lot

šteta baš sam naš'o kome dobro da ga prodam

Too bad, I'd just found somebody to sell it to

Neko drugi sad će moje auto da voza

Somebody else will now be driving my car

dlanovi se znoje brate stigla me nervoza

My palms are sweating, brother, I'm becoming neurotic

Svoj sam slučaj prijavio u MUP kantona

I reported my case to the cantonal police

zastariće slučaj vidi se iz aviona

It will never get to court, you can see it from an airplane

Drot me gleda čudno k'o da priča s astronautom,

The cop looks at me funny, as if he's talking to an astronaut

samo 'ladno kaže: Paša, kupi novi auto

He just says coolly: Buddy, buy a new car

Ovo ti je, brate, loše da ne može gore

Brother, this is so bad that it couldn't be any worse

opet niko nije kriv - krivo je more

Again it's nobody's fault - it's the sea's fault

Cijeli grad je gled'o kako diler gudru valja

The whole town watched the dealer selling dope

niko nije smio cinkat' heroinskog kralja

Nobody dared report the heroin king

Svi su znali kako levat dila lošu robu

Everybody knew that he was selling bad stuff

komšija se zezn'o i završio u grobu

My neighbour got unlucky and ended up in a grave

Njega priveli su opet, neće ležati ni dan

They arrested him again, but he won't spend a day in jail

ima skupe advokate pa će odmah ići van

He has expensive lawyers, so he'll get out immediately

Sudija ga pušta da se brani sa slobode

The judge let him go until the trial

dokaze da skloni i svjedoke da izbode

So he can conceal the evidence and knife the witnesses

Ovo ti je, brate, loše da ne može gore

Brother, this is so bad that it couldn't be any worse

opet niko nije kriv - krivo je more

Again it's nobody's fault - it's the sea's fault

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