Translation of the song Kupi artist Dubioza Kolektiv



English translation


Ovog vrućeg ljeta ispred vašeg tržnog centra

This hot summer in front of your shopping center

imaćemo akciju za vašu satisfakciju

we'll have a sale for your satisfaction

Besplatne minute, pravo dobra ponuda

Free minutes, a real good deal

mobiteli, tableti, tehnološka čuda

cell phones, tablets, technological wonders

Mi dajemo puno, ti ulažeš malo

We'll give a lot, you'll invest little

džaba ti je internet, samo zovi Halo

Your internet's free, just call Halo

Danas je na radiju bila informacija

Today on the radio there was info

da u centru grada biće degustacija

that there'll be free degustation in the city center

Probaj piće mladosti, naše i vaše

Try the drink of youth, yours and ours

pola litre gratis iz plastične čaše

half a litre free from plastic cups

Zaboraviš li ceker ništa zato, nema veze

If you forget your bag, it doesn't matter

tu su naše besplatne najlonske kese

here are our free nylon bags

Na sniženju paštete, bijele salvete, sira fete

On sale paté, white napkins, feta cheese

makaroni, bomboni i jako povoljne špagete

macaroni, candy and very affordable spaghetti

I farbe za kosu brate čitave palete

And hair dye my brother, the entire range!

apaurin, tablete, rješenje za bete

apaurin, tablets, solution for beta

Kupi! Kupi, kupi kondom pakovan k'o bombon

Buy! Buy, buy a condom packaged like candy

Kupi! Ulošci sa krilcima jašu ti po živcima

Buy! Buy sanitary pads with wings, the kind that flies around your nerves

Kupi! LCD, LSD, plazma TV

Buy! LCD, LSD, plasma TV

Kupi! Kupi brijače za noge rutave

Buy! Buy razors for hairy legs

Ostvari svoje snove uz kredite naše nove

Realize your dreams with our new loans

i sanjaj dok rata ne zakuca na vrata

and dream on until war comes knocking on the door

Šamponi, tamponi i neke kurčeve kreme

Shampoo, tampons and some fucking creams

beskrajna lista, Vaša koža će da blista

an endless list of, Makes your skin shine

Bajramsko sniženje za naše okruženje

Bajram-sale for our loved ones

narod u masama, gužve na kasama

people in the masses, crowds at the cash registers

Troše se pare, pune se vreće

Spend the money, fill the bags

popust je dobar, tuku ko neće

a discount is good, fight the ones who won't oblige

Jeftino smo kupljeni, demokratski rafinirani

We're cheap to buy, but democratically refined

sada smo na rasprodaji, malo hipnotizirani

now we're on sale, a little hypnotized

Zabavi me zabavi da mozak mi olabavi

Entertain me until my brain loosenes

jer shopping je postao narodni doping

because shopping has become a national doping

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