Translation of the song Niko nije kriv artist Dubioza Kolektiv


Niko nije kriv

English translation

Nobody's fault

Rat je profit, puni kase vladajuće klase,

War is a profit, it fills cashes of ruling classes

Za poslove i pljačke prave alijanse.

For jobs and robberies of real alliance

Društvena krema savjesti nema,

The elite society has no conscience

Cijela ova masa s tim nema problema!

This whole mass has no problem with that!

I opet ponedjeljak 60 minuta,

Monday again, the 60 minutes

Ovo sam vidio već hiljadu puta,

I saw this thousand times already

Istina ne dopire do kolektivne svijesti,

The truth doesn't reach collective consciousness

Kada će u ovu zemlju stići dobre vijesti!?

When will good news arrive in this country!?

Novi deal, nove trase, eto opet šanse,

New deal, new routes, there's a chance again

Da utonu u slatke milionske romance.

To dive into sweet millionaire romance

Zaduži nas, zaduži da MMF-u sluzim,

Indebt us, indebt so I can serve to MMF

Niko to ne konta, niko to ne kuži.

Nobody gets it, nobody understands it.

Cifre se sabiru i množe, oguliše do kože,

The figures are summing up and multiplying, ripping us off

Svi kažu šta ćeš, šta se može,

Everybody's saying There's nothing we can do about it

Sutra u Evropu, a danas u Merhamet,

Tomorrow in Europe, and today in Merhamet

Caritas, dobrotvor na klopu.

Caritas, meal of the benefactor

Kriminal sinhroniziran

Synchronized crime

Sud banaliziran

Corny court of justice

Plan realiziran

Realized plan

Narod hipnotiziran

Hypnotized folks

Ideologije ne nestaju, niko nije kriv,

Ideologies don't disappear, nobody's fault

Rat nije počeo niko, niko nije kriv..

Nobody started the war, nobody's fault

Sve se zaboravlja za stoju i po, niko nije kriv..

Everything is forgotten with hundred and fifty, nobody's fault

Mir, mir, mir, niko nije kriv.

Peace, peace, peace, nobody's fault

MMF uvijek ide na blef,

MMF is always bluffing

Malo pune, onda brzo prazne ti sef,

For a bit they're filling, and then they're emptying your safe

trash, nećeš moć' vratit keš.

Trash, no do, gimme back my cash

Vječno ćemo bit pijuni, u tome je catch.

We'll be pawns forever, there's the catch.

Dok traje korida, volovi se bodu,

While the bullfight is on, bullocks are stabbing

Ostajemo robovi, zaboravi slobodu.

We're staying slaves, forget about the freedom

Narodni junaci, sudbine krojači,

National heroes, destiny makers

Podmićene sudije,

Bribed judges

Na slobodi kriminalci.

Criminals on the loose.

Kriminal sinhroniziran

Synchronized crime

Sud banaliziran

Corny court of justice

Plan realiziran

Realized plan

Narod hipnotiziran

Hypnotized folks

Ideologije ne nestaju, niko nije kriv,

Ideologies don't disappear, nobody's fault

Rat nije počeo niko, niko nije kriv..

Nobody started the war, nobody's fault

Sve se zaboravlja za stoju i po, niko nije kriv..

Everything is forgotten with hundred and fifty, nobody's fault

Mir, mir, mir, niko nije kriv.

Peace, peace, peace, nobody's fault

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