Translation of the song Pakšu artist Dubioza Kolektiv



English translation


Samo mojne biti pakšu

Just don't be an asshole

Mene ne zanima jel’ navijaš

It doesn't interest me if you support

Za Želju, Čelik, Široki,

Zhelyo, Chelik, Shiroki1

Velež il’ Slobodu

Velezh or Sloboda

Dal’ si u muškom, ženskom

If you're of the male, female

Ili nekom trans rodu

Or some trans gender

Jel’ se ložiš na vjeru, ili si ateista

If you'd burn for your faith, or are an atheist

Tu će se za svakog bolan

There, for every dude

Naći malo mjesta

Can be found a little space

Da li nosiš gaće

Do you wear pants

Il’ si možda nudista

Or are you a nudist?

Svejedno je musliman, jevrej

It's all the same: Muslims, Jews

kršćanin il’ budista

Christians or Buddhists

Jel’ voliš meso, il’ jedeš samo vege

Do you like meat, or do you eat only greens?

Da li slušaš narodnu

Do you listen to folk

Rok ili rege

Rock or reggae?

Strejt ili gej

Straight or gay

Fakat je svejedno

It's really all the same

I prvo, a i ovo drugo meni je okej

The first, and the second is all okay for me

Da li pišeš desnom

Do you write with your right hand

Ili si ljevak

Or are you a lefty?

Da li živiš u gradu

Do you live in the city

Ili si seljak

Or are you a villager?

Jesi l’ pun k’o brod

Are you loaded like a boat

Il’ zarađuješ sitno

Or do you make very little?

Kol’ko imaš para

How much money you have

Meni nije bitno

Isn't important to me

Al’ je bitno da ne dopustiš

But it is important that you don't allow

Da te jašu

Them to ride you

Meni je najbitnije

It is most important to me

Da nisi pakšu

That you aren't an asshole

Ref. 3x

[Chorus x3]

Samo mojne biti pakšu

Just don't be an asshole

Mojne biti pakšu

Don't be an asshole

mojne biti pakšu

Don't be an asshole

Jesi l’ glup k’o konj

Are you as stupid as a horse

Il’ si intelektualac

Or an intellectual?

Imaš li papire

Do you have documents

Il’ si negdje ilegalac

Or are you somewhere illegally?

Voliš ploču

Do you like records

Il’ skidaš mp3

Or download mp3s?

Jesi p’jan k’o letva

Are you plastered2

Ili alkohol free

Or alcohol-free?

Svi smo manje više isti

We are all more or less the same

Slobodno poravni

Freely equal

Crkvena su zvona bolan

Dude, the church bells

Isto što ezani

Are the same as adhan3

Al’ jedna je kap

But it's one drop

Koja preljeva čašu

That makes the cup overflow

Čovjek vrlo lako postaje pakšu

People very easily become assholes

Ref. 6x

[Chorus x6]

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