Translation of the song Pionirska artist Dubioza Kolektiv



English translation

Pioneer song

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da kopaju kanale i farbaju fasade.

to dig the channels and paint the walls.

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da ribaju tanjire do kraja balade.

to wash the plates until the end of the ballad.

Prije trijes’ godina prvi dan u školi,

Thirty years ago, first day of school,

u sendviču zdenka i salama Poli.

in the sandwich zdenka* cheese and poli* salami.

Stara pustila je suzu, stari joj kaže - de se smiri

My old (mother) let the tear drop, my old (father) told her - calm down,

pa nisu više djeca, sad su pioniri.

they are not children anymore, now they are pioneers.

Plava kapa i crvena marama,

A blue hat and a red scarf,

čuvajmo drugarstvo, nije sve u parama.

take care of friendships, money is not everything.

Pionirska je zakletva samo stara hartija,

Pioneer oath is just an old paper,

bratstva i jedinstva nema, sad je demokratija.

brotherhood and unity is no more, now it's democracy.

Sve je otišlo u kurac i to svima je normala,

Everything went to hell and this is a new normal,

jer to nam je na kraju naša borba dala.

that's what left from our partisan revolution.

Sva se postavljaju pitanja sem pitanja morala.

All questions are asked, except the questions of morality.

Šta si bio prije rata? Otkud ti ta vreća zlata?

What have you been before the war? Where did that bag of gold came from?

Za sve naše narodnosti i sve naše narode,

For all our nationalities and all our people,

bosanske, balkanske, bjelosvjetske zajebe,

Bosnian, Balkan, global jokers,

Djipalo Junuz ima savršen lijek ... hepek!

Djipalo Junuz has a perfect medicine .... a thing **

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da kopaju kanale i farbaju fasade.

to dig the channels and paint the walls.

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da ribaju tanjire do kraja balade.

to wash the plates until the end of the ballad.

Prije bilo je bolje, za tu priču ne’am volje

It used to be better, I have no patience for that stories.

tol’ko bolje da se prodasmo za flašu Coca Cole!

It was so much better that we sold ourselves for a bottle of Coca Cola!

Ja kad idem preko grane, satima me rove,

When I travel abroad, they spend hours to check my stuff,

al’ džaba odo’ i ja, bauštela zove!

but that's it, I am leaving too, black market work is calling.

Šta je bilo prije,

How it was before,

vjeruj mi k’o da nije.

trust me it's irrelevant.

Nemoj bit’ dijete, stigo novi šef, MMF!

Don't be a kid, there is a new boss, IMF!

Auf wiedersehen, govore mi drugovi

Auf wiedersehen, my friends tell me,

ho’š se vraćat’ - hoću kad otplate se dugovi!

Will you come back? - Yes, when the debts are paid.

Ne'ko vozi mečku, neko vozi punta,

Some are driving Mercedes, others Punto,

ne'ko ide pjehe, uglavnom svako nešto munta.

some are going by foot, everyone is giving some orders.

Kod nas je noć pametnija od jutra,

Here the night is smarter than the morning,

al’ šta ćemo sutra kada ispuši se sva vutra !?

but what will we do tomorrow when all pot is smoked.

Izdrži, brate, pomirimo se s tim

Stay strong, brother, make peace with it,

da igrač daje go, ali pobjeđuje tim.

player gives a goal, but the team is the one who wins.

Nisam položio zakletvu pionirsku,

I didn't take the pioneer oath,

čujte i počujte ovu funkcionersku!

hear and hear this political one!

Danas kada postajem funkcioner,

Today when I am becoming a politician,

dajem časnu funkcionersku riječ

I give my honest political word

da ću marljivo krasti i lagati,

that I will steal and lie hard,

i zemlju strovaliti u dug.

and put this country into deep debts.

Da ću voljeti nasu neoliberalnu domovinu,

That I will love our neoliberal homeland,

kapitalističku, tranzicijsku

capitalistic, transitional,

banana republiku.

banana republic.

Da ću razvijati nepotizam i korupciju

That I will develop nepotism and corruption,

i prosipati šuplju u koju ne vjeruje ni'ko.

and spill empty talks that no one believes in.

Da ću oderati sve porezne obveznike

That I will excoriate tax payers

čijim parama kupujem socijalni mir!

whose money I use to buy social peace!

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da kopaju kanale i farbaju fasade.

to dig the channels and paint the walls.

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da ribaju tanjire do kraja balade.

to wash the plates until the end of the ballad.

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da kopaju kanale i farbaju fasade.

to dig the channels and paint the walls.

Pošaljimo mlade u dijasporu da rade,

Let's send the youth to diaspora for work,

da ribaju tanjire do kraja balade.

to wash the plates until the end of the ballad.

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