Translation of the song Prvi Maj artist Dubioza Kolektiv


Prvi Maj

English translation

May Day

Ni danas nije počeo svenarodni ustanak

Popular uprising failed to begin today again

idu svi na sindikalni prvomajski uranak

Everybody's going to the trade union May Day picnic

Proleteri kao jedan žure do cilja

Proletarians striding to their destination as one

nozdrve golica miris roštilja

Nostrils are tickled by the smell of barbecue

U potoku hladi se par gajbi piva

In the brook a couple of beer crates are cooling

iz flaša se nateže rakija šljiva

Plum brandy is being sipped out of bottles

Radničke parole danas nema ko da nosa

No one's there to carry workers' slogans today

i neće se pjevat' Bandiera rossa

And nobody will be singing Bandiera Rossa

Niko ne priziva suzavac, pendrek

Nobody's wishing for teargas and truncheons

zašto politikom kvariti dernek

Why spoil the party with politics

Tequila sunrise, mjesto Molotova

Tequila Sunrise, instead of Molotovs

u kolo se hvata i kordon drotova

A cordon of cops is joining the folk dance

Digla se čitava bivša Juga

The whole of ex-Yugoslavia is rising

nećemo nikome biti sluga

We will be nobody's slaves

Neustrašivo derneči drug uz druga

Fearlessly partying, comrade with comrade

hrabro se mezi i složno se cuga

We're bravely munching and drinking in unity

Naspi nam po rakiju i nazdravi za kraj

Pour us some brandy and raise your glass to the end

tehnološki višak danas slavi 1. maj

Redundant workers are celebrating May Day

Ovdje se rastajemo, zbogom, good bye

Here we part our ways, fair well, goodbye

mi idemo u stečaj, sretan 1. maj

We're going bankrupt, happy May Day

Danas nije Olimpijada

Today isn't the Olympics

danas nije ni gej parada

Today isn't the Gay Parade

Garant nije Čimburijada

I'm sure it's not the Scrambled Eggs Day*

danas je praznik, Dan rada

Today is the holiday, the International Workers' Day

Radnička pjesma gromko se ori

Workers' song is echoing loudly

pjesma što slavi neradni dan

A song that celebrates a work-free day

Suncobran, meza, potok žubori

Sun shades, finger food, the brook is burbling

zašto da kvarimo savršen plan?

Why spoil the perfect plan?

Nikog ne zanima ni klasna borba

Nobody cares for class struggle either

krčka u kazanu begova čorba

In the pot veal stew is simmering

Kakva revolucija i Pariška komuna

Who cares about revolution and the Commune of Paris

evo deset ćevapa u pola somuna

Here's ten ćevapčići in half a bun

Kad ugase roštilje i utihnu pjevaljke

When the barbecues burn out and the singers shut up

s livade nestanu ćebad i ležaljke

When blankets and deck chairs disappear from the meadow

Kući ćeš umoran leći u krevet

You'll lie tired in your bed

sanjaćeš zaslužen radnički dženet

And dream of deserved workers' paradise

Prije tih snova sebi obećaj

Before that dream, promise yourself

samo levati idu u stečaj

Only fools go bankrupt

Biro je početak, a penzija kraj

The dole is the beginning and retirement is the end

radnička klasa odlazi u raj

The working class is going to heaven

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