Translation of the song Rijaliti artist Dubioza Kolektiv
Na pijaci sam jučer prod'o kravu i traktor
Yesterday at the market I sold a cow and a tractor
Da mogu da se prijavim na onaj X-faktor
So that I could sign up to that 'X-Factor'
Zbogom poljoprivredi kajmaku i palenti
Goodbye agriculture, *kajmak and palenta
Odoh i ja majko tamo gdje su talenti
Mum, I'm going where the stars also go
Zaboraviću štale i domaću hranu
I'll forget the barns and homemade food
Sad će raja da me gleda na malom ekranu
Now my friends will watch me on the small screen
A cijenjeni će žiri prepoznat' vrlo vješto
And the celebrated jury will skilfully recognise
Da imam neku žicu, da imam ono nešto
That I have a gift, that I have that **special something
Ja imam ono nešto. Ja imam ono nešto
I have that special something. I have that special something.
Rekao sam zbogom zemljoradničkim mukama
I said goodbye to farmers' worries
Od mikrofona neću dobit' žuljeve na rukama
I won't get blisters on my hands from a microphone
Na estradnom nebu svima sunce sija
In musical heaven the sun shines for everyone
Kad zvijezda možeš biti ti što ne bi mog'o i ja?
If you can be a star then why shouldn't I?
Preseliću se u grad živjeću u stanu
I'll move to the city, I'll live in a flat
Gledaće me cijela Bosna na svakom kanalu
All of Bosnia will watch me on every channel
A cijenjeni će žiri prepoznat' vrlo vješto
And the celebrated jury will skilfully recognise
Da imam neku žicu, da imam ono nešto
That I have a gift, that I have that special something
Ja imam ono nešto. Ja imam ono nešto
I have that special something. I have that special something.
Nemoj mala plakati niti za mnom žaliti
Don't cry little girl, don't miss me
Neću ti se vratiti odo' u rijaliti
I won't come back to you, I'm going to reality
Nemoj mala plakati niti za mnom žaliti
Don't cry little girl, don't miss me
Neću ti se vratiti odo' u rijaliti
I won't come back to you, I'm going to reality
O-o! Odo' u rijaliti! (x8)
O-o! I'm going to reality! [x8]
Ne treba vam stranka ni omiljena partija
You don't need a side or a favourite party
Glasajte za mene to je demokratija
Vote for me, that's democracy
S jednim sms-om ti mi omogući
With just one SMS you'll also make
Da i moje lice poznato ti zvuči
My face sound familiar to you
Postaću ja popularan nikad nije kasno
I'll become popular, it's never too late
Sa tv-a pozdravljaću svoje selo glasno
From the TV I'll loudly greet my village
Maksuz selam rodbini i svima što me znaju
***Maksuz selam to my family and everyone who knows me
Hej Bosno, Bosno, rodni kraju
Hey Bosnia, Bosnia, my birthplace!
O-o! Odo' u rijaliti! (x8)
O-o! I'm going to reality! [x8]
U svakom rijalitiju ja bih dobro proš'o
I'd do well in every reality
Al' na farmu ne idem otamo sam doš'o
But I won't go to the farm, that's where I came from