Translation of the song Um klade valja artist Dubioza Kolektiv
Um klade valja
Brains roll logs
I kad završiš fakultet opet moras dati guze
Even after you graduate you have to give some pussy again
može i drugačije za one neprivlačnije
but there is another way for those less attractive
tada ćeš i zadnju marku da izvučeš
then you will draw out even your last marka1
za kovertu para veza se povuče
for an envelope [full] of money a connection is pulled
Šta se sve rodi u mutnoj vodi?
What all is born in turbid water?
Dok učiš da plivaš taj moto te vodi
While you learn how to swim you're guided by that motto
naš mentalitet ima jedan kvalitet
our mentality has one quality
da te jebe u zdrav mozak sve dok ima imunitet
to fuck your proper brain2 while they have immunity
Džaba ti škola, s njom možeš da se pariš
Your school[ing] is useless, with it you can [only] vaporize
džaba ti fakultet, na birou ćeš da stariš
Your college is useless, you'll grow old at the [employment] office
džaba diploma, na zid da je staviš
Useless is [your] diploma, [you can only] put it on the wall
džaba ti sve dok ne otvoriš novčanik
Everything is useless until you open up your purse
Bez obzira da l' sistem zvao se komunizam
No matter if the system is called communism
slobodno tržište, kapitalizam
[or] free market, [and] capitalism
jedna je konstanta jako relevantna
one constant is very relevant
ovdje uvijek vlada vječni nepotizam
here rules eternal nepotism
Pola milijuna na birou
Half a milion at the [employement] office
šta treba da se desi da se pameti dozovu?
what needs to happen for them to get to their senses?
Torovi su puni, ovce su na broju
The pens are full, the sheeps are all there
a one samo šute i čekaju svoju
and they just keep silent and wait for their own
Ref. 3x
Chorus 3x
Um klade valja, štela caruje
Brains roll logs, štela rules3
pos'o ćeš da dobiješ kad masno daruješ
you'll find a job once you make hefty gifts
ponovo da platiš sve što te sljeduje
to pay again everything that ensues you
budi dio stada, za to se opredjeljuješ
be a part of the herd, that's what you opt for
Ko će kome - k'o svoj svome?
Who will [do for] you like someone you know?
Može i bez škole
You may [be appointed] even without school
može bez diplome
you may [be appointed] without diploma
a onda kud koji mili moji?
and then what my dears?
Za sve one bez štele tarifa postoji
For all those without štela there is a tariff
Krv nije voda, ruka ruku mije
Blood is thicker than water, one hand washes the other
tako biti će i sutra
that's how it will be tomorrow
tako bilo je i prije
that's how it was before too
zakon i pravda, to vode ne pije
law and justice, that doesn't drink water4
moje pleme, moj rod, nitko dirati ne smije
my tribe, my kin, may touch no one
Zaustaljena praksa ima svoj identitet
The consistent praxis has its identity
mito i korupcija njen glavni su epitet
bribes and corruption are its main epithet
naš mentalitet ima jedan kvalitet
our mentality has one quality
da te jebe u zdrav mozak sve dok ima imunitet
to fuck your proper brain while they have immunity