Naćulite priglupe uši.
Prick up your stupid ears
Moja riječ nek' vam prodire u svijest.
Let my word enter your consciousness
Napregnite um, nek' se puši!
Strain your mind, let it steam!
Jer čudesnu donosim vijest.
Because I bring miraculous news
Toliko tog fali u glavi
So much missing in the head
Vaš pogled je prazan i tup.
Your glance is dull and empty
Tko krivi je kralj, a tko pravi,
Who's the wrong king, and who the true one -
Nek' shvati i mudar i glup!
May both the wise and the stupid get!
Jestel' spremni za životu šansu?
Are you ready for the chance of a lifetime?
Jestel' spremni za poredak nov?
Ae you ready for a new order?
Jer dolazi doba kad vlada gnjusoba.
Because the time comes for revulsion to reign
I što nam se sprema?
And what's ahead of us?
Za vas frke nema
No problem for you
Jer nagrada stiže za svakog tko gmiže
Because a prise will be on the way for all who crawl
Kad na prijestolje završim lov.
When I finish my hunt for the throne
I kad svjetlo obavije mrak
And when darkness covers the light
Da, budi jak! Bit ćemo jaki! A zašto?
Yes, be strong! We will be strong! And why?
Za kraljevu smrt!
For the King's death!
A bolestan je?
And he is sick?
Budalo, ubit ćemo ga. Simbu isto.
You fool, we'll kill him, Simba, too.
Tako je! Kom treba kralj? Nema kralja, la la la la la la!
That's right! Who needs a king? No king, la la la la la la la!
Idioti! Bit će kralja!
You idiots! There will be a king!
Ej, pa rekao si?
Hey, you said...
Ja ću biti kralj! Drž'te se mene i nećete nikada biti gladni!
I will be the king! Hold on to me and you will never be hungry!
Tako je! Živio kralj! Živio kralj! Živio kralj!
That's right! Long live the king! Long live the king!
Kud god kreneš, mi ćemo pratit
Where ever you go, we will follow
I zaslužiti blagoslov tvoj.
And earn your blessing
Taj dar treba znat i uzvratit,
One must know how to give back for that gift
Zadatak izvršite svoj.
Finish your assignment
Budućnost nam nagrade nosi,
Future brings us rewards
Većina u moj ide džep.
Most of them go into my pocket
Al' dobro sad razmisli tko si
But think well know about who you are
Bez mene si gluh, glup i slijep!
Without me - you are deaf, dumb and blind!
Budi jak, čitav svijet već se mijenja
Be strong, the whole world is already changing
Budi jak, podli sprema se puč!
Be strong, a gruesome takeover is abut to happen!
Već dugo planiram i sredstva ne biram
I've been planning for a long time with whatever means
I milju po milju, sve bliže sam cilju
And mile by mile, I'm getting closer to the goal
Kad postanem kraljem
When I become the king
Od svih bit ću hvaljen
I will be praised by everyone
Jer nosim budućnost i ključ!
Because I carry the future and the key
Sada šalu je odnio vrag,
It's no time to joke around now
Sada šalu je odnio vrag,
It's no time to joke around now