Translation of the song 先生 artist Lyu:Lyu



English translation


繋がって 間違って 手違いで

Through a series of mistakes and unfortunate events


I somehow happened to be born into this world

生まれた私は 血眼になって探しています

I'm searching frantically

正しくて 尊くて 美しい 誰もが見放さない私の価値を

For the worth of my righteous, precious, and sweet life that no one will give up on

存在の意味を 血眼になって探しています

I'm searching frantically for the meaning of my existence


I guess you were the one who made me hate even this face of mine


Though I used to like it for what it was

幸福になれと その為に人に勝ちなさいと

Be happy! To that end, you have to be better than others!

街は今 冷戦状態

The streets are now in a state of cold war

そして 何が正しいのかも分からぬまんま

And now, without even knowing what's right


I'll drown in the frozen sea


I guess it's because I'm nothing but a failure anyway, right?




You used to say this back then, didn't you?


You used to say you're a good kid, didn't you?

いつから何を間違って こんな人間になったんですか

Since when did I screw everything up and become this kind of person?

殺意のこもった手を握って 吐き気を堪えて蹲る ただ

Clasping together these hands full of murderous intent, I cower as I endure this nausea

疲れたんだ 人でいるのが

I'm so damn tired of being human

普通を望んで裏切られて 普通以下だって何度も知って

Betrayed by these expectations of normalcy, I've realized again and again that I'm far below average

誰もが出来ることさえも 出来ない私は何なんですか

What the hell am I worth, unable to do even the things that everyone else can?

地平線の向こうから朝日が 答えは出たかと顔を出したよ

Did you get an answer? The morning sun has risen beyond the horizon

あなたに祈ればいいかい ねぇ

Well? Should I just pray to you?

繋がって 間違って 手違いで

Through a series of mistakes and unfortunate events


I somehow happened to be born into this world

生まれた私は 自分を肯定する為に今日も

Even today, for the sake of affirming myself

正しくて 尊くて 美しい 振るっても許される暴力を

I'll blindly wield this righteous, precious, and sweet violence once more

また 無自覚に振りかざして

Even if I exercise it, it will simply be forgiven

どうせ私も 醜いその他大勢

I too am unsightly after all, just like the rest of you!

敗者の屍の上に さらに敗者が重なって

Piled over the corpses of the defeated, losers lie on top of other losers

そうして出来たこの街の 一番隅っこの

And just like that, this street's first corner was built

独りきり暗い部屋から 窓の外を見ていたんだ

All alone and depressed, I was looking out the window from my room


Time's already up!




You used to say this back then, didn't you?


You used to say you're a good kid, didn't you?

いつから何を間違って こんな人間になったんですか

Since when did I screw everything up and become this kind of person?

あなたが望んだような人に なれない私を叱るでしょうか

I wonder if you'd scold me for not being able to become the person you expected me to be

疲れたんだ 人でいるのが

I'm so damn tired of being human

産まれた事には意味があると 要らない人など一人も無いと

There was a point to you being born! There isn't a single person that isn't wanted!

誰もがそれを疑って 今も血を吐いて足引き引き摺って

No one believes that crap; even now they drag their feet as they cough up blood

地平線の向こうから朝日が もう諦めろと顔を出したよ

Just give up already! The morning sun has risen beyond the horizon

あなたに祈ればいいかい ねぇ

Well? Should I just pray to you?

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