Translation of the song Can you feel the love tonight (Crimean Tatar) artist The Lion King (OST)

Crimean Tatar

Can you feel the love tonight (Crimean Tatar)

English translation

Can you feel the love tonight

-Олгъанда корерсинъ.

-You'll see when it happens.





-Севда олса учюмизден къалыр ялнъыз ...

-If there is love, from three of us only .... remains.



-Достум, олар севди. Мен сёз берем санъа. Не япмакъ не билейим. Сонъу хайыр олсун!

-My friend, they loved. I promise you. I don't know what to do. May the end be good.

Сен йигит севда олдынъ

Brave man, you've fallen in love

Гонълюнъ кокте уча

Your heart is flying in the sky

Дженнет олды фаний дюньямыз

Our mortal world has become a paradise

Севда бойле башлай

This is how love begins

Ярем сёзлер етмез

My love, words are not enough

Мен къуш киби учам

I'm flying like a bird

Арслан олып озюм къоркъам

As a lion(Even though I'm a lion), I'm afraid

Гизли гизли бакъам

I look secretly

Онынъ сыры недедир

What is his secret?

Дюнья онъа бакъа

So that, the (whole) world looks up to him

Бир бакъыштан, бирден дуйдым

At a glance, I suddenly felt

О къырал бу дюньяда

That he is king in this world

Сен йигит севда олдынъ

Brave man, you've fallen in love

Гонълюнъ кокте ялдай

Your heart is swimming(floating) in the sky

Дженнет олды фаний дюньямыз

Our mortal world has become a paradise

Севда бойле башлай

This is how love begins

Сиз энди келин киев

Now you, bride and groom

Сёзюнъиз кесильди

Your words have been ceased

Бу аят бахтлы олур

This life turns out to be happy

Йырымыз битти

Our song has finished

Севда достум, юрек йырым

Love, my friend, my heart song

Коктен бизге о эне

It descends to us from the sky

Гъам къасевет пейда олур

Sorrow occurs

Яшайыш бойле

This is how live is

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