Translation of the song 港町十三番地 artist Hibari Misora



English translation

The Harbor Town's 13th District

長い旅路の 航海終えて

On the night when the long journey's overu2028

船が港に 泊る夜

And your boat stops in the harbor,

海の苦労を グラスの酒に

u2028You can forget the hardships of the seau2028

みんな忘れる マドロス酒場

Over a glass of sake at the sailors' bar

ああ港町 十三番地

u2028In the harbor town's 13th district!

銀杏並木の 敷石道を

Walking down the ginkgo-lined cobblestone path

君と歩くも 久しぶり

u2028With you again—it's been such a long time!u2028

点るネオンに さそわれながら

While the neon lights beckon to us,u2028

波止場通りを 左にまがりゃ

We'll take a left turn onto the street by the quayu2028

ああ港町 十三番地

In the harbor town's 13th district.

船が着く日に 咲かせた花を

The day your ship arrives makes all the flowers bloom,u2028

船が出る夜 散らす風

But on the night your ship leaves, the wind howls.u2028

涙こらえて 乾杯すれば

If you hold back your tears and raise a toast with meu2028

窓で泣いてる 三日月様よ

In the window, see—the crescent moon is crying with us

ああ港町 十三番地

u2028In the harbor town's 13th district!

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