Translation of the song 最終電車 artist Passepied
The last train
嘘と真がぶつかる交差点で 人の波は冷たいんだね
At a crossroad where the lie and the truth meet,
the wave of people is felt cold,
Keep holding my hand to not to be drowned.
最終電車に飛び乗る キミの背中がキライよ
I don't wanna see your back, jumping onto the last train.
乗り遅れちゃえばいいのに 一寸先は闇なんちゃって
I wish you missed it. The future is in the darkness, just kidding!
ああもう何にも言わない だって少しくやしいの
Ah, I won't say anymore, because I'm a little bit vexing.
ポーズをとって見上げた あたし今、上手く笑えてるかな
I strike a pose and look up. Am I laughing well now?
街の広告はトラップでラップ 綺麗すぎて 首の角度に困ります
Ads in the city are traps and wraps.
すれちがう人の見分けはつかないな 興味範囲は片手ぶん
They are so beautiful that I don't know which to see.
最終電車に飛び乗る キミの背中がキライよ
I don't wanna see your back, jumping onto the last train.
誰かが言っていたでしょ 急いては事をし損じるって
You know, someone said haste makes waste.
ああもう何だかかなわない だってこんな切ないの
Ah, somehow it'll be unrequited, because I feel so trying.
ポーズをとって見つめた あたし今どんな顔してるかな
I strike a pose and gaze at you.
ちがうの 言葉が今ここまで出かかってるの ちょっと待ってて
No, it's wrong. The words are now just appearing here. Just a moment!
最終電車に飛び乗る キミの背中がキライよ
I don't wanna see your back, jumping onto the last train.
黄色い線の内側 境界線なら取っ払って
Inside the yellow line, if it were a boundary, clear away it.
ああもう言ってしまいたい 「今夜一緒にいたいの」
Ah, now I wanna say I wanna be with you tonight.
最初で最後のお願いだから ねえ どうか叶いますように
This is the first, and the last request, so, hey, I wish it to be realized somehow.