Translation of the song Ale Ale artist Colonia
Ale Ale
Ale Ale
Ale ale ale ale!
Ale ale ale ale
Ale ale ale ale!
ale ale ale ale
Hrvatska, ale ale!
Croatia ale ale ale
Srce tuče samo za tebe!
The heart beats just for you…
Živim za taj doživljaj
I live for that experience
Kada se skupe moji prijatelji svi
When all of my friends gather around me
Emocije i vatromet
Emotions and fireworks
Uz pivo i nogomet
Along with beer and football(/soccer)!
I nitko nije jači od nas
And nobody is stronger than us
Kad pjesma krene, ajmo svi u jedan glas
When the song begins, come on everybody, shout at once!
Grla se ore, tribine gore
Clear(?)* your throat, stand up
Hoćemo gol, gol, gol, gol!
We want a goal, goal, goal, goal!
Ale ale ale ale!
Ale ale ale ale
Ale ale ale ale!
ale ale ale ale
Hrvatska, ale ale!
Croatia ale ale ale
Srce tuče samo za tebe!
The heart beats just for you…