Translation of the song Mirno more artist Colonia


Mirno more

English translation

Quiet Sea

Ne bih znala što je ljubav da te ne poznam

I would not know what love is, if I did not know you

U život si moj ušao nepozvan

you've entered my world without an invite

Još uvijek ne znam kako se dogodilo

I still don't know how it happened

Zateklo nas jutro sasvim slučajno

the morining caught us accidentaly

I suza i smijeha, znam, bilo je svega

and tears and laughter, I know there was everything

Al' ti, ti si još tu.

but you, you are still here

Ti si moje mirno more

you are my quiet sea

Ti si moj dobar dan

you are my good day

Moje jedro kad me slome

my sail when they break me

Put suncem obasjan

a road led by sunshine

Tiho, tiho sanjaj na rukama mojim

quietly, quietly dream on my arms

Luke, obale...

harbour, shore

Krugove u pijesku, nebo modro

circles in the sand, clear sky

Kule od soli, za tebe

a castle of salt, for you

Ne bih znala što je ljubav da te ne poznam

I would not know what love is, if I did not know you

Ako te nemam, nikog ne trebam

if I don't have you, I don't need noone

I da stoput u životu to se dogodi

and if that'll happen 100 times in life

Samo jedna ljubav će ostati

only one love will remain

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