Translation of the song Na tvojoj strani postelje artist Colonia
Na tvojoj strani postelje
On your side of the bed
Uzalud mi prodaješ te razbacane stihove
It is in vain that you are selling me that scattered verses
Odavno sam shvatila sve tvoje trikove
I have figured out your old tricks long time ago
Umorna sam postala od tvojih glupih priča
I've become tired of your stupid stories
Ti si samo šarmer bez pokrića
You are just a charmer without the cover
Neka faca vrlo važna
Some guy really important
Dragi moj ja nisam biser al zato nisam ni lažna.
My darling I am neither a pearl but neither a fake one
Sad neko drugi spava na tvojoj strani postelje
Now some other woman is sleeping on your side of the bed
Ljubi me, ljubi me sve dok jutro ne svane
Love me,keep kissing me until it dawns
Toplo je na tvojoj strani postelje
It is warm on your side of the bed
Kao da te nikad bilo nije.
Like you have never been there
Uzalud mi kupuješ te nepotrebne darove
It is in vain that you are buying me that unnecessary gifts
Odavno te ne volim pomiri se tako je
I am not in love with you anymore, for a long time, figure it out, that is how things stand
Umorna sam postala od tvojih glupih priča
I've become tired of your stupid stories
Bio si i ostao šarmer bez pokrića
You have been and still are just a charmer without the cover
Neka faca vrlo važna
Some guy really important
Dragi moj ja nisam biser al zato nisam ni lažna.
My darling I am neither a pearl but neither a fake one
Sad neko drugi spava na tvojoj strani postelje
Now some other woman is sleeping on your side of the bed
Ljubi me, ljubi me sve dok jutro ne svane
Love me,keep kissing me until it dawns
Toplo je na tvojoj strani postelje
It is warm on your side of the bed
Kao da te nikad bilo nije
Like you have never been there
A i bolje je.
And it is better this way