Translation of the song Zgroza artist Kult



English translation


Ja mam proboszcza, ty masz proboszcza

I have a parish priest, you have a parish priest

Proboszcz to tutaj władza najwyższa

Parish priests are the highest authority here

Czuwa nade mną bardzo starannie

My carefully searched through

Przeszukiwane moje sumienie

Conscience is watching over me

To zgroza

It's a horror!

To już jest po prostu zgroza [x4]

It's simply a horror! [x4]

Strach przed piekłem spowiedź wymusza

The fear of hell forces to the confession

Przekłamali słowa Chrystusa

They distorted the words of Christ

W końcu tygodnia lud na placach

At the end of the week, the people on the squares

Zbiera pieniądze na nowe pałace

Collect money for new palaces

To zgroza

It's a horror!

To już jest po prostu zgroza [x4]

It's simply a horror! [x4]

Napisano w księdze proroczej

It has been written in the prophetic book

Nie mówcie do nikogo Ojcze

Don't call anybody Father

A tu sprzedawali wszystkim wiernym

But here to all the believers they were selling

Kult Ojca w wozie pancernym

The Cult of Father in an armoured car

To zgroza

It's a horror!

To już jest po prostu zgroza [x8]

It's simply a horror! [x4]

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