Translation of the song عيون القلب artist Najat Al Saghira
عيون القلب
3oyoun el 2alb
عيون القلب سهرانه ما بتنامشي
Eyes of the heart are awake, they don't sleep
انا صاحيا ولا نايمة ما بقدرشي
I am not awake, nor asleep, I can't
يبات الليل يبات سهران على رمشي
The night passes, passes over my restless eyelashes
وانا رمشي ما داق النوم
And my eyelashes have not tasted sleep
وهو عيونه تشبع نوم
While his eyes are indulging in sleep
روح يا نوم من عين حبيبي
Sleep, leave my lover's eyes
روح يا نوم
Leave, oh sleep
حبيبي اه من حبيبي
Sweetheart, ohh from my sweetheart
عليك احلى ابتسامه
On you is the most beautiful smile
لما بتضحك عيونه
When his eyes laugh
بقول يالله السلامة
I say hello there
لما يسلم عليه
When he says hello to me
ولا يقولي كلام
Don't say a word
عايزه ورى كل كلمة
After every word I want to
اقول له يا سلام
Tell him, oh wow
ده قالي في يوم يا حبيبتي خدي القمر
He told me one day Baby, take the moon
ورحت معاه وما اداني الا السهر
And I went with him, but he gave me nothing but sleepless nights
تقولي كلام وافرح بيك
You tell me things and I get so happy
اسيب النوم وافكر فيك
I leave sleep and think of you
انت تقول وتمشي
You talk and then you walk away
وانا اسهر ما انامشي
And I stay up, I can't sleep
ياللي ما بتسهرشي
Oh you, who sleeps so soundly..
ليله يا حبيبي
Every night, my darling
سهرني حبيبي
You've kept me up, my darling
حبك يا حبيبي
Your love, sweety
بكتب عالليالي
I write on the nights..
اسمك يا حبيبي
Your name, sweetheart
حبيتك يا حبيبي من غير ما أسأل سؤال
I loved you dear, without asking any questions
وحسهر يا حبيبي مهما طال المطال
And I will stay up dear, as long as the nights stretch
انا بس اللي محيرني وما خلانيش انام
The only thing confusing me and keeping me from sleep..
ازاي انا بقدر اسهر وازاي تقدر تنام
Is how I can stay up all night and how you can sleep
واقولوا حبيبي كل ما فيك حبيبي وحلم
And I tell him sweetheart, everything in you sweetheart, is a dream
صوتك حلم قلبك حلم
Your voice is a dream, your heart is a dream
وحتى لما تتعبني واسهر لك
And although you tire me out and I stay up for you
سهرك حل
The restless nights from you are a dream