Look, the wind has started blowing
Still, I'm not giving up yet
I can feel the sun beneath the clouds
even through the headwinds.
My heart is drawing a dream
何処までも高く 自由に舞うのさ
flying high above,to freedom
My heart draws a Dream
My heart draws a dream
Oh 降り立つ彼方で目を開けたら・・・
Oh, If I land somewhere far away and open my eyes
笑顔のままの君に 逢える気がして
I feel like I would see you there, smiling at me
It would be great if I can meet you, lalalala
ねえ 息を合わせたなら
Hey, if we join our breaths,
もっと高く 飛べるはずさ
we would surely fly higher
そこからは 未来が見えるかな?
I wonder if we can see the future from there
Even just a piece
My heart is drawing a dream
遥かなる時を 飛び越えてくのさ
flying far away passing through time
My heart draws a Dream
My heart draws a dream
Oh いつの日かきっと 叶うといいな
Oh, I wish someday, this dream would come true
笑顔のままの君で 居られるように
for you to be here, smiling at me.
Come on, reach out your hand
Now, we will be set free
Our hearts will not be bound by anyone
Our eyes will seize the sunlight
No matter how much the world is fading
夢を描くよ 夢を描くよ 夢を描くよ
Let's draw a dream
Our hearts draw a Dream
Let's draw a dream
夢を描くよ 夢を描くよ 夢を描くよ
Let's draw a dream
Our hearts draw a dream
Oh 降り たった彼方で 目を開けたら・・・
Oh, If I land somewhere far away and open my eyes
笑顔のままの君に 逢えると良いな
It would be great if I could see you there, smiling at me.