Translation of the song Nije vredno sine moj artist Kemal Monteno
Nije vredno sine moj
It's Not Worth It, My Son
Ispred mene ponor je,
There is an abyss in front of me
tamne hridi zovu me,
Dark rocks are calling me
utehu mi lažnu nude.
they offer me false consolation
A iz srca kao spas
And from the heart, like a rescue,
čujem meni poznat glas
I hear a familiar voice
pa se davne uspomene bude.
and old memories are being awaken
Pamtim reči oca mog:
I remember the words of my father:
Na sve misli dobri Bog
Good God thinks of us all
kako voliš tako ti se piše.
you get credit for the way you love
Ako ljubavi je kraj
If a love comes to an end
druga negde čeka znaj,
another one is waiting somwhere
sunce dođe uvek posle kiše.
sun always comes after the rain
Nije vredno sine moj
It's not worth, my son
život dati voljenoj
to give life to a loved one
ako suđena ti nije.
if she's not destined to you
Pusti suze neka ih
let the tears alone
budi uvek iznad njih
be always above them
Mudar čovek svoje boli krije
wise man hides his pain
Nije vredno, stari moj,
It's not worth, my old man
život dati voljenoj
to give life to the loved one
ako suđena mi nije.
if she's not destined to me
Bolje vinom zaliti
It's better to drink wine to that
nego za njom žaliti
than to be sorry (to regret) for her
moje sunce moje najmilije.
my sun, my dearest