Translation of the song Amigo artist Leo Masliah



English translation


Amigo, necesito hablar contigo. Una pena tengo que contar.

Friend, I need to talk to you. I have a pain to tell.

Porque si no te la digo, me la tendre que tragar.

Because if I don't tell it, I'll have to swallow it.

Pero la pena de amor aún no le ha quitado el apetito, si.

But the love pain haven't take off its appetite.

Estoy enamorado locamente. Nunca antes pude amar así.

I'm crazy in love. I never loved like that.

Ahora sé lo que se siente al hablar de frenesí.

Now I know what it feels like when they talk about frenzy.

Pero es honda mi desgracia porque ella no me quiere igual a mí.

But my disgrace is deep because she doesn't love me so.

Estoy enamorado de mi patria,

I'm in love with my motherland,

pero ella no me tira ni un pedazo de bandera,

but she doesn't give me neither a piece of flag,

ni siquiera cuando el frío impera.

not even when it's so cold.

Y siempre me desprecia, me destrata,

And she always despises me, mistreats me,

no me va a ayudar a nada y se quiere librar de mí.

she doesn't help me at all and wants to get rid of me.

Siempre que yo me acerco para hablarle, piensa que la quiero molestar.

Everytime I come close to talk to her, she thinks I want to disturb her.

Aunque si es para cantarle, está dispuesta a escuchar

Though if its for singing to her, she's willing to listen

siempre que trate de canciones narcisistas y lo nacional.

as long as are narcisistic songs and national stuff.

Como quisera convenir con ella y quererla por siempre jamás,

How much I wish to agree with her and love her forever,

pero tanto me atropella que algún día yo quizás

but she crushes me so much that maybe someday

me enamore de otra tierra que me deje junto a ella trabajar.

I fall in love with another land that lets me work with her.

Estoy enamorado de mi patria,

I'm in love with my motherland,

pero ella tiene hábitos sexuales

but she has sexual habits

un tanto particulares, porque para gozar,

a bit particulars, because in order to enjoy,

precisa que tu sufras trabajando inutilmente

she needs that you suffe working uselessly

o buscandote un trabajo donde no hay.

or looking for a job where there isn't.

Amigo, necesito hablar contigo. Una pena te quiero contar.

Friend, I need to talk to you. I have a pain to tell.

Porque si no te la digo, me la tendre que exportar.

Because if I don't tell it, I'll have to export it.

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