Translation of the song Biromes y Servilletas artist Leo Masliah


Biromes y Servilletas

English translation

Pens and tissues

En Montevideo hay poetas, poetas, poetas

In Montevideo there are poets, poets, poets

que sin bombos ni trompetas, trompetas, trompetas

who without fanfares nor pomps, pomps, pomps

van saliendo de recónditos altillos, altillos, altillos

come out from remote lofts, lofts, lofts

de paredes de silencios de redonda con puntillo.

of walls of sience of dotted notes.

Salen de agujeros mal tapados, tapados, tapados

They come out of poorly covered holes, holes, holes

y proyectos no alcanzados cansados, cansados

and not achieved projects, projects, projects

que regresan en fantasmas de colores, colores, colores

who come back like color ghosts, ghosts, ghosts

a pintarte las ojeras y pedirte que no llores.

to paint your eyebags and beg you to not cry.

Tienen ilusiones compartidas partidas, partidas

They have shared illusions, illusions, illusions

pesadillas adheridas heridas, heridas

attached nightmares, nightmares, nightmares

cañerías de palabras confundidas fundidas, fundidas

pipes of confused words, words, words

a su triste paso lento por las calles y avenidas.

on their sad and slow pass through streets and avenues.

No pretenden glorias ni laureles, laureles, laureles

They don't pretend fame nor prizes, prizes, prizes

solo pasan a papeles, papeles, papeles,

they just move to papers, papers, papers

experiencias totalmente personales, zonales, zonales

completely personal experiences, experiences, experiences

elementos muy parciales que juntados no son tales.

very partial experiences that gathered aren't the same.

Hablan de la aurora hasta cansarse, cansarse, cansarse

They talk about the dawn until getting tired, tired, tired

sin tener miedo a plagiarse, plagiarse, plagiarse

without fearing of plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize

nada de eso importa ya mientras escriban, escriban, escriban

nothing of that matters while they write, write, write

su manía su locura su neurosis obsesiva.

their mania, their craziness their obsessive neurosis.

Andan por las calles los poetas, poetas, poetas

They walk by the streets the poets, poets, poets

como si fueran cometas, cometas, cometas

like if they were kites, kites, kites

en un denso cielo de metal fundido, fundido, fundido

in a thick sky of melted metal, metal, metal

impenetrable, desastroso, lamentable y aburrido.

impregnable, disastrous, terible and boring.

En Montevideo hay biromes, biromes, biromes

In Montevideo there are pens, pens, pens

desangradas en renglones, renglones, renglones

unbleeded in lines, lines, lines

de palabras retorciéndose confusas, confusas, confusas

of words twisting confused, confused, confused

en delgadas servilletas como alcohólicas reclusas.

in thin tissues like alcoholic prisioners.

Andan por las calles escribiendo y viendo y viendo

They walk by the streets writing and seeing and seeing

lo que ven lo van diciendo y siendo y siendo

what they see they say it and by being and by being

ellos poetas a la vez que se pasean, pasean, pasean

poets while they walk, walk, walk

van contando lo que ven, y lo que no, lo fantasean.

they tell what they see, and fantasize what they don't.

Miran para el cielo los poetas, poetas, poetas

They look at the sky the poets, poets, poets

como si fueran saetas, saetas, saetas

like if they were arrows, arrows, arrows

arrojadas al espacio que un rodeo, rodeo, rodeo

thrown at the space that a detour, detour, detour

hiciera regresar para clavarlas en Montevideo

made them return to nail them in Montevideo.

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