Ella siempre pasaba por donde yo trabajaba
She was always passing by where I was working
por donde yo trabajaba
by where I was working
Qué puntaje marcaba no importa a mí me gustaba
How good she looked it doesn't matter I liked her
no importa a mí me gustaba
it doesn't matter I liked her
Era de una oficina cruzando justo en la esquina
She was from an office across the corner
cruzando justo en la esquina
across the corner
Quizá por un gualicho quizá por puro capricho
Maybe by a spell maybe by pure whim
quizá por puro capricho
maybe by pure whim
cada vez que pasaba mi metejón aumentaba
everytime she was passing my love was increasing
mi metejón aumentaba
my love was increasing
No logré decir nada cuando la vi en la parada
I couldn't say anything when I saw her at the station
cuando la vi en la parada
when I saw her at the station
Supe a que hora salía y lo intenté cada día
I knew at what time she went out and I tried everyday
y lo intenté cada día
and I tried everyday
pero cuando llegaba el habla me traicionaba
but when I got there the speech betrayed me
el habla me traicionaba
the speech betrayed me
Cuando más te preciso más te hacés el opa qué liso
When I need you the most you play the dumb
te hacés el opa que liso
you play the dumb
Decidí finalmente no insistir más oralmente
I finally decided to not insist more orally
no insistir más oralmente
to not insist more orally
Concentré mis esfuerzos en escribir unos versos
I concentrated my efforts in writing some verses
en escribir unos versos
in writing some verses
Era casi un poema no me preguntes el tema
It was almost a poem, don't ask me the subject
no me preguntes el tema
don't ask me the subject
Encontrar el momento de darle aquel esperpento
To find the moment to give her that monstrosity
de darle aquel esperpento
to give her that monstrosity
Fue difícil tarea como esperar la marea
Was a hard task like waiting for the tide
como esperar la marea
like waiting for the tide
Y juntando coraje me tiré al agua de traje
And gathering bravery I jumped on the water with a suit
me tiré al agua de traje
I jumped on the water with a suit
Me acerqué hasta su lado y le dije muy colorado
I came close to her and I said very red-faced
y le dije muy colorado
and I said very red-faced
tengo algo que darte y tartamudeé en una parte
I have something to give you and I stuttered in a part
y tartamudeé en una parte
and I stuttered in a part
Lástima que no viste su cara era el despiste
Too bad that you didn't saw her absent-mind face
su cara era el despiste
her absent-mind face
Con arisca manera me preguntó lo que era
In an unfriendly way she asked me what was it
me preguntó lo que era
she asked me what was it
Yo le di la poesía y le dije si la leía
I gave her the poetry and told her to read it
y le dije si la leía
and told her to read it
y me fui presuroso muriéndome de nervioso
and I left in a hurry dying of shame
muriéndome de nervioso
dying of shame
La mañana siguiente yo estaba tan impaciente
The next morning I was so impatient
yo estaba tan impaciente
I was so impatient
por saber si el destino me hundía por desatino
to know if destiny would drown me for mistake
me hundía por desatino
would drown me for mistake
o si viejo criollo me daba todo su apoyo
or if the old creole would give me all his support
me daba todo su apoyo
would give me all his support
Cuando fui a la parada para esperar a mi amada
When I went to the station to wait for my loved one
para esperar a mi amada
to wait for my loved one
vi que como llegaba inmediatamente paraba
I saw that as it was reaching she immediately stopped
inmediatamente paraba
she immediately stopped
con su mano de nieve un ciento cuarenta y nueve
with her snow white hand a 149 bus
un ciento cuarenta y nueve
a 149 bus
Yo sentado veía morirse mi fantasía
I was sitting and seeing my fantasy dying
morirse mi fantasía
my fantasy dying
y me dije abombado vos sos un desubicado
and I said dazed to myself, you're out of place
vos sos un desubicado
you're out of place
por creer todavía por creer en la poesía
for still believing, believing in poetry
por creer en la poesía
believing in poetry