Translation of the song El ómnibus artist Leo Masliah
El ómnibus
The bus
El ómnibus iba muy cargado de gente
The bus was very loaded of people
y al guarda le costaba cobrarle a todo el mundo;
and the conductor was finding hard to charge everybody;
algunos no pagaban y él no se daba cuenta,
some weren't paying and he didn't realize,
le daba rabia que la gente no se corriera;
he was angry that people don't move;
decía el fondo está vacío y era mentira.
he was saying the bottom is empty and it was a lie.
Los guardas no dicen señoras y señores,
The conductors don't say ladies and gentlemen,
salió y se ha puesto a la venta este nuevo boleto,
it's now for sale this new ticket,
sólo dicen sin gracia quién no tiene boleto?
they only say gracelessly who doesn't have a ticket?
boletos, boletos, qué pregón desnudo y triste
tickets, tickets, what a stripped and sad cry
corto y descolorido como el mismo boleto.
so short and uncolored like the very ticket.
Cada vez iba subiendo más y más gente,
Every time more and more people were riding,
una vieja luchaba por llegar a la puerta,
an old woman was struggling to reach the door,
una mujer sentía que la estaban manoseando,
a woman was feeling she was being groped,
un tipo discutía con el guarda por el vuelto,
a guy was arguing with the conductor about the change,
otro sentado miraba por la ventanilla.
another man sitting was looking by the window.
Capacidá diez de pie cuarenta sentados,
Capacity ten people standing and forty sitting,
pero iban muchos más apretados, oprimidos,
but many more were there squeezed, oppressed,
sin hablar con el chofer porque estaba prohibido,
without talking with the driver because it was forbidden.
sin conversar entre sí porque no les salía,
without talking to each other because they didn't feel like it,
las manos aferradas al mismo pasamanos.
the hands holding the same banister.
El ómnibus ya no paraba en las paradas
The bus no longer was stopping at the stop
un hombre protestaba, él había chistado,
a man was protesting, he notified the conductor,
una embarazada temía que se lo aplastaran,
a pregnant woman was fearing that they could crush her baby,
el conductor vichaba a una mujer por la calle,
the driver was looking at a girl on the street,
el guarda no se acordaba a quién tenía que avisarle.
the conductor wasn't remembering that he had to notify him.
Cuando la puerta se abría y uno bajaba,
When the door was opening and one was going off,
se subían unos cuantos para reemplazarlo.
many were getting on to replace him.
Llegó un momento en que el ómnibus iba tan lleno,
A moment came when the bus was so full,
tan repleto y cargado, tan inflado, tan denso,
so packed and loaded, so inflated, so dense,
tan insoportable que terminó reventando.
so unbearable that it ended exploding.
Volaron las chapas, los remaches, la gente,
The plates, the rivets, the people,
las piezas del motor, la mujer embarazada,
the engine pieces, the pregnant woman,
la cuerdita del guarda, uno que no había pagado,
the conductor rope, one who didn't pay,
el conductor, la bola de la palanca de cambios,
the driver, the ball of the gearstick,
el guarda, los boletos, boletos, los boletos.
the conductor, the tickets, all blew up.