Translation of the song La metamorfosis artist Leo Masliah
La metamorfosis
The Metamorphosis
Cierto día Gregorio Samsa
One day Gregor Samsa
se despierta con el aspecto
wakes up with the disgusting
asqueroso de un gran insecto.
look of a giant insect.
Acostado de boca arriba,
Laying face up,
quiere darse vuelta y no puede,
wants to turn around and he can't,
¿qué carajo es lo que sucede?
what the hell is going on?
Se hace tarde para el trabajo,
It's getting late to work,
a la puerta su madre llama
his mother is knocking on the door
y él está clavado en la cama.
and he's stuck in the bed.
No consigue encontrar sus brazos;
He can't find his arms;
qué curioso, dónde se esconden,
how curious, where do they hide,
y esas patas, que no responden.
and these legs, that don't respond.
Viene el resto de la familia;
The rest of the family comes;
todos juntos, de mal talante,
all together, in a bad mood,
le reclaman que se levante.
demand him to get up.
Menos mal que él cerró la puerta
Just as well he closed the door
en la noche, antes de acostarse:
at night, before sleeping:
por un rato podrá ocultarse.
he can hide for a while.
Pero oye la voz del jefe
But he hears the voice of the boss
que lo vino a buscar a casa
who came home to look for him
para ver qué es lo que le pasa.
to see what's going on.
«Vamos, vamos, Gregorio Samsa,
Come on, come on, Gregor Samsa,
no me venga con cosas raras,
don't come with weird things,
salga rápido y dé la cara.»
come out quickly and face us.
El contesta que está en problemas,
He answers that he's in troubles,
pero nadie le entiende un pito:
but nobody understands him:
sus palabras parecen gritos.
his words sound like yellings.
Ya no tiene cuerdas vocales;
He no longer has vocal cords;
de sus mandíbulas gigantes
from his giant jaws
manan líquidos repugnantes.
nasty liquids flow.
Finalmente, con gran esfuerzo,
Finally, with great effort,
se levanta y su boca acierta
he gets up and his mouth achieves
a girar la llave en la puerta.
to turn the key of the door.
Antes de que todos lo vean,
Before everyone could see him,
piensa si esto es un sueño loco
he thinks if this is a crazy dream
me despierto dentro de poco,
I'll wake up soon,
y si, en cambio, es verdad y a todos
and if instead it's true, and everyone
al mirarme les viene un chucho,
have a good scare by seeing me,
no es mi culpa, lo siento mucho;
it's not my fault, I'm so sorry;
se tendrán que tomar la pena
you'll have to carry the weight
de cuidar este par de antenas
of taking care of this pair of antennas
y dejar de comprar Baygón.
and stop buying Baygon.