Translation of the song Los que hablaban del tiempo artist Leo Masliah
Los que hablaban del tiempo
The ones who were talking about the weather
Eran dos tipos que siempre hablaban del tiempo
There were two guys who always were talking about the weather
Hablaban mucho y quejándose todo el tiempo
They were talking a lot and complaining all the time
Eran dos tipos que hablaban mal de la helada
There were two guys who were talking badly about the frost
de madrugada parados en la parada
in the early morning standing at the bus stop
Eran dos tipos que se pasaban diciendo
There were two guys who were spending time saying
¡Qué tiempo loco, ya está de nuevo lloviendo!
What a crazy weather, it's raining again!
Eran dos tipos y cuando el tiempo cambiaba
There were two guys and when weather changed
les daba rabia, les daba bronca, les daba
they were angry, they were furious, they were
Eran dos tipos que consumían saliva
There were two guys who were drinking saliva
en insultar al viento cuando iban en chiva
in insulting the wind when they were riding a bike
Eran dos tipos que le encontraban sentido
There were two guys who made sense for them
a hablar del tiempo y no hablar de bueyes perdidos
to talk about the weather and not doing idle chatter
Eran dos tipos y de los dos casi todos
There were two guys and almost all of them two
sobre este tema, pensaban del mismo modo
about this subject, were thinking the same way
Eran dos tipos que pese a cambios de clima
There were two guys who despite weather changes
llevaban siempre las mismas ropas encima
they were always wearing the same clothes
Eran dos tipos que siempre hablaban del tiempo
There were two guys who always were talking about the weather
Hablaban mucho y quejándose todo el tiempo
They were talking a lot and complaining all the time
Eran tres tipos que hablaban mal de la helada
There were three guys who were talking badly about the frost
de madrugada, con las narices tapadas
in the early morning with the nose covered
Eran diez tipos que se pasaban diciendo
There were ten guys who were spending time saying
¡Qué tiempo loco, mirá el calor que está haciendo!
What a crazy weather, how hot is here!
Eran cuarenta que consumían saliva
There were fourty who were drinking saliva
en protestar siempre mirando para arriba
in insulting always looking up
Eran ochenta y no le encontraban sentido
There were eighty who didn't make sense for them
a hablar de bueyes, porque era tiempo perdido
to do chatter becasue it was being idle
Eran docientos; repito: eran quinientos
There were two hundred; I repeat; there were five hundred
Eran seicientos que hablaban pestes del viento
There were six hundred talking badly about the wind
Eran dos mil, eran veinte mil que decían
There were two thousand, there were twenty thousand who said
de la humedá los que los demás ya sabían
about humidity what everybody else knew
Eran decenas de miles, eran millones
There were tenths of thousands, they were millions
y mientras tanto, corrían las estaciones
and meanwhile, seasons were running.