Translation of the song Noticias artist Leo Masliah



English translation


Yo les decía, ¿se acuerdan?.

I told you, do you remember?

Yo les decía y tenía razón, hace cinco años, cuando les decía que Noticias iba a ser la mejor revista del país. Porque en esa época no era, claro. Pero yo sabía que IBA a ser.

I told you and I was right, five years ago, when I said that Noticias would be the best magazine in the country. Because it wasn't in that time, of course. But I knew that it was GOING to be.

En esa época era bastante mala, yo nunca la compraba.

In that time it was very bad, I never bought it.

Yo en esa época compraba Condorito. Era mucho mejor. Hasta Coné, la revista esa del sobrino de Condorito, era mejor. Y sigue siendo muy buena. Donde se descuiden los de Noticias, te digo que Coné... le puede salir al cruce en cualquier momento.

In that time I was buying Condorito. It was way better. Even Coné, the comic of Condorito's nephew, was better. And it's still very good. When the Noticias guys get distracted, I say that Coné... can block their way any time.

Igual que Caras, la fama y el dinero juntos. Yo tenía fama y dinero, pero el problema es que no los tenía juntos. Por eso fracasé. Porque tenía mucho dinero y además tenía fama, fama de ladrón, tenía. Y la fortuna no me duró mucho. Me duró poco.

Just like Caras, fame and money together. I had fame and money, but the problem is that I didn't have them together. That's why I failed. Because I had a lot of money and also a lot of fame, I had fame of thief. And the fortune didn't last too long. It lasted little.

Me compré un yate y organicé una fiesta de quince. De quince millones de dólares. Invité a quince personas: un millón de dólares a cada una, les di. Y no se quisieron quedar ni a bailar una pieza. Me sobró casi toda la comida. Al final terminé convidando a los músicos de la orquesta.

I bought a yatch and I made a sweet sixteen party. Of sixteen million dollars. I invited sixteen people: I gave them a million dollar each. And they didn't want to stay neither for a dance. I had almost all the food for me. I ended inviting the orchestra musicians.

El del clarinete, sobre todo, comió bastante, pero el problema es que él comía en si bemol, entonces en vez de llevarse la comida a la boca él se la llevaba un tono más arriba, se la metía en la nariz.

The clarinetist, specially, ate a lot, but the problem is that he was eating in B flat, so instead of taking the food to the mouth, he was taking it to a higher tone, he was taking it to the nose.

El del corno también, era medio raro, el comía por el corno. Y lo demás también, él todo lo hacía por el corno. Era como una parte de él.

The horn player too, he was weird, he was eating through the horn. And the rest too, he was doing all with the horn. It was like a part of him.

Y la que tocaba la celesta también, estaba completamente integrada al instrumento, cuando lo tocaba era como si se tocara ella. Era casi obsceno, te diría. Se llamaba Celeste, además. Yo me enamoré de ella. Pero no me dio corte, estaba muy enroscada con el de la tuba.

And the girl who played the celesta too, she was completely integrated to the instrument, when she was playing it, it was like if she was touching herself. It was almost obscene, I'd say. And her name was Celeste. I fell in love with her. But she didn't cared about me, she was very screwed with the tuba player.

Bah, él, era que la había enroscado, con la tuba. Ella no podía salir de ahí. Tenía la tuba enroscada alrededor del cuello. Más que una tuba era una boa. Una boa enorme. Ella a veces trataba de convencer al flautista para que tocara algo que la hiciera bailar, a la boa, para que aflojara un poco y ella se pudiera zafar. Pero el flautista era muy malo, tocaba tan mal que la boa en vez de aflojarse se crispaba, y la apretaba todavía más, a Celeste.

Bah, the player was who screwed her with the tuba. She couldn't get out of there. She had the tuba screwed around her neck. More than a tuba, it was a boa. A big boa. Sometimes she tried to convince the flautist to play something to make the boa dance, to loosen it so she can scape. But the flautist was bery bad, he was playing so bad that the boa instead of loosen it was getting angry, and was squeezing Celeste even more.

Al final la terminó estrangulando, es una historia muy triste, esta, yo... no quisiera bajonearlos, pero bueno, ahora ya está,

It ended up strangling her, this is a very sad story, I... I don't wanna bring you down, but well, that was it.

Ya está, ya está, ya pasó.

That was it, that was it, it went by.

Ya la estranguló, ya pasó, ya pasó.

It killed her, that was it, that was it.

No lloren, ya la estranguló. Ya terminó. No lloren.

Don't cry, it already killed her. It's over. Don't cry.

No lloren porque no tengo pañuelo, para darles. O digo, tengo, pero no está en buen estado porque con estos días que hizo, los cambios de temperatura, y todo eso no sé, me resfrié, me engripé. Tuve que hacer cama, incluso. Tenía fiebre. Y me vino a ver un doctor, pero no sé, no me vio, al final. Vino a mi casa, y todo, me vino a ver, pero no me vio. Se puso a mirar otras cosas, de mi casa, que quién sabe, le habrán interesado más.

Don't cry because I don't have a handkerchief to give you. I mean, I have but, it's not in a good state because with the weather these days, the changes of temperature, and all that, I caught a cold, I got sick. I also had to stay in bed. I had a fever. And a doctor came to see me, but I don't know, he didn't see me in the end. He came to my house, and all, he came to see, but he didn't see me. He started to look at other things, of my house, that who knows, might interested him more.

Miró los muebles, miró la cocina, abrió incluso el placar de la cocina,

He looked at the furnitures, he looked at the kitchen, he even opened the kitchen placard,

se puso a... a mirar este... el sartén, las ollas, el cucharón, que tengo, sí, se puso a mirar el cucharón, la espumadera... miró también el hervidor, ahí, se quedó un rato completamente inmóvil, mirando el hervidor,

he started to... look er.... the pan, the pots, the ladle I have, yeah, he started looking at the ladle, the slotted spoon... he also looked at the kettle, there, he remained a while completely moveless, looking a the kettle,

parecía el cuadro ese de Artigas en el Hervidero.

he looked like the picture Artigas en el Hervidero.

Creo que es de Juan Manuel Blanes, ese cuadro, ¿no?. Creo que sí, no estoy seguro, no sé, pero le están dando bastante bombo, a Blanes, ahora, en Europa. Le publicaron un libro enorme de reproducciones en una de esas editoriales de arte, no se si es Taschen o... esta otra, la que publicó los dibujos de... ¿cómo era?, el pintor este... el que dibujó este... un artefacto, como una especie, como de precursor del helicóptero me parece, no sé como es qué se llama. Este... un italiano que salió en un fascículo ahí que estaba, que estaba en todos los quioscos hace un tiempo.

I think it's a Juan Manuel Blanes picture, isn't it? I think so, I'm not sure, I don't know, but they're paying so much attention to Blanes, now, in Europe. They published a huge book of pictures in one of those art publishers, I don't know if it was Taschen or... that other, that published the drawings of... who was?, that painter... the one who painted... an artifact, like some kind of, like a forefather of the helicopter I think, I don't know his name. Err..... an italian who appeared in some part over there, that was at all the kiosks some time ago.

En ese momento me acuerdo que había también en los quioscos, estaba un especial de Batman, estaba la Para Tí, bueno estaba esa que les digo y estaba Noticias también.

In that time I remember that at the kiosks were also, a Batman comic, the Para Tí magazine, the one I was telling you and also was Noticias.

Yo les decía, ¿se acuerdan?.

I told you, do you remember?

Yo les decía y tenía razón, hace cinco años, cuando les decía que Noticias iba a ser la mejor revista del país. Porque en esa época no era, claro. Pero yo sabía que IBA a ser.

I told you and I was right, five years ago, when I said that Noticias would be the best magazine in the country. Because it wasn't in that time, of course. But I knew that it was GOING to be.

En esa época era bastante mala, yo nunca la compraba.

In that time it was very bad, I never bought it.

Yo en esa época compraba Condorito. Era mucho mejor. Hasta Coné, la revista esa del sobrino de Condorito, era mejor. Y sigue siendo muy buena. Donde se descuiden los de Noticias, te digo que Coné... le puede salir al cruce en cualquier momento.

In that time I was buying Condorito. It was way better. Even Coné, the comic of Condorito's nephew, was better. And it's still very good. When the Noticias guys get distracted, I say that Coné... can block their way any time.

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