Translation of the song Películas artist Leo Masliah
Te pasaré a la cueva: Un cavernícola se enamora de una alta ejecutiva británica y para acceder a ella deberá no solamente encontrar la forma de viajar decenas de miles de años hacia el futuro, sino luchar contra un guerrero etrusco que se interpondrá caprichosamente en su camino.
I'll get you in my cave: A caveman falls in love with a British high executive and to be able to get her he must not only find the way of traveling tens of thousands of years to the future, but also fighting an Etruscan warrior who will whimsically place on his way.
El Autodidacta: Un joven estudiante de cine realiza un trabajo que ofende a los profesores de su escuela, pues desconoce todas sus enseñanzas. Expulsado, el joven inicia una carrera independiente, que le llevará a comprender poco a poco que sus maestros tenían razón. Y acaba realizando un film que se rige por todas aquellas normas que antes el resistía. Se trata de este mismo film.
The self-taught: A young film student creates a work that offends the school teachers, because it unknowns all their teachings. Expelled, the young man starts an independent career, which will lead him to understand little by little that his teachers were right. And he ends making a film that is governed by all those norms that he resisted before. It's about this very film.
Los diamantes de la pavota: Un próspero hombre de negocios obsequia a su esposa, para el cumpleaños, un collar de piedras preciosas. Luego sale al encuentro de su amante, en un motel. Pero la esposa, furtivamente, lo sigue y al sorprenderlo in fraganti en la habitación del motel, le arroja el collar a la cara. Durante el resto del filme, el hombre de negocios no sabrá si tratar de devolverlo, revenderlo, regalarlo a su amante si es que ésta quiere aceptarlo, deshacerse de él, o conservarlo, y la duda se convertirá en el más duro castigo a su infidelidad.
The diamonds of the silly goose: A successful businessman gifts to his wife, for her birthday, a necklace of jewels. Then he comes out to his meeting with his lover, in a motel. But his wife follows him furtively and after catching him in fraganti in the motel room, she throws the necklace to his face. During the rest of the movie, the businessman will not know if to try to give it back, to resell it, to gift it to his lover if she decides to accept it, to get rid of it or to keep it, and the doubt will become his hardest punishment for his infidelity.
Revisión fatal: Hercules Poirot, el famoso detective de Agatha Christie, durante un período en que no se presentan asesinatos para investigar, decide revolver expedientes viejos en Scotland Yard. Y tras un pormenorizado examen de los casos resueltos 50 años antes por Sherlock Holmes, descubre que en su mayor parte, las deducciones de este fueron infundadas y que están llenas de errores lógicos, como consecuencia de que Conan Doyle el autor, no conocía la sistematización que en su misma época Gottlob Frege impuso a la lógica. Inglaterra entra en una profunda conmoción civil y el gobierno se ve obligado a pagar millonarias indemnizaciones a los descendientes de los individuos injustamente condenados por las falaces conclusiones de Holmes.
Fatal revision: Hercules Poirot, Agatha Christie's well-known detective, during a period in which weren't presented murders to investigate, he decides to search through old files at Scotland Yard. And after a detailed examination of the cases solved 50 years before by Sherlock Holmes, he discovers that in the most of them, Sherlock's deductions were unfounded and full of logical errors, as consequence that Arthur Conan Doyle the writer didn't know the systematization that in his same period Gottlob Frege imposed to logic. England enters in a deep civil commotion and the government is forced to pay millionary indemnifications to the descendants of the individuals unfairly condemned by the false conclusions of Holmes.
Quema esas cartas: Un hombre sumamente preocupado por su futuro inmediato va a ver a una adivina. Ella le tira las cartas y predice que él, no conforme con lo que ella le vaticina, va a ir en busca de una segunda opinión. El hombre sale muy ofuscado, ya que si bien no está conforme con esta adivina, si se dirige efectivamente a buscar la opinión de otra, ella le habrá predicho la verdad y por lo tanto no tendrá motivos para estar disconforme. En cambio, si se conforma con ese vaticinio y no busca otro, la adivina no le habrá predicho la verdad, y él tendrá que estar disconforme, lo que lo conducirá nuevamente al atolladero anterior.
Burn those cards: A man who was heavily worried about his immediate future goes to see a fortune-teller. She lays the cards and predicts that he, not satisfied with what she predicts him, will go looking for a second opinion. The man comes out very bewildered, because although he's not satisfied with this fortune-teller, if he goes effectively to look for the opinion of another, she will have predicted the truth and therefore he won't have reasons to be upset. Instead, if he's satisfied with that prediction and doesn't look for another, the fortune teller won't have predicted the truth, and he'll have to be upset, which will lead him to the previous jam.
Vivere parvo: Un joven hijo de campesinos sin tierra, harto de la miseria que asuela a su gente, parte a la gran ciudad e inicia una brillante carrera universitaria durante la que se le impartirán cursos intensivos de literatura clásica, latín, griego, semiótica, filología y otras disciplinas aún más áridas, que le depararán licenciaturas con las que acabará llevando una vida aún más miserable que la que dejó atrás.
Vivere parvo: A young son of landless countrymen, sick of the misery that devastates his people, moves to the big city and begins a brilliant college career during which they will teach him intensive courses of classical literature, latin, greek, semiotics, philology and other even more dull disciplines, that will bring him degrees with which he'll end having a more miserable life than the one he left behind.
El discurso lateral: Como es habitual en varias historias policíacas, el detective se enamora de la principal sospechosa en un caso de homicidio. Sin embargo, en este filme se presta demasiada atención al romance, que unirá a la pareja en matrimonio y le dará varios hijos de cuya escolaridad se ocupó extensamente el guión, en desmedro de lo que al espectador más le habría interesado, que es saber si la mujer era culpable o no, y qué pasó en el juicio.
The lateral speech: As is usual in several crime stories, the detective falls in love with the main suspect in a homicide case. However, in this film they pay a lot of attention to the romance, that will join the couple together in matrimony and will upbring several children whose education was extensively took on by the script, to the detriment of what the audience was interested the most, which is to know if the woman was guilty or not, and what happened in the trial.
La quinta cama: Tras un accidente automovilístico, Helen padecerá una amnesia parcial que le hará olvidar la tenencia de su hijo menor a quien ella debía recoger en la escuela. Los otros 4 hijos de Helen aprovecharán la ocasión para librarse de su hermanito y se confabulan para omitir toda mención de él frente a su madre. Cuando ella les pregunta por qué hay una cama de más, ellos dirán que es para las visitas.
The fifth bed: After a car accident, Helen will suffer a partial amnesia that will make her forget the possession of his littlest son who she had to pick up at school. The other 4 children of Helen will take the chance to get rid of their little brother and they conspire to omit any mention of him before their mother. When she asks them why there is another bed, they will say that it's for the visitors.
El iconoclasta: Frederic ama la poesía y la música pero detesta la expresión plástica a tal punto que, ayudado por una pandilla reaccionaria de adolescentes disconformes con la tendencia mundial a que prevalezca la imagen en desmedro del texto, se introduce en el Museo del Louvre y munido de navajas, hojas de afeitar, tijeras y todo tipo de adminículos cortantes, acaba con Manet, Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Rousseau, Renoir, Dégas y todo lo demás. Con un costo aproximadamente cuatro mil veces superior al de Titanic, esta película es la más cara de la historia del cine.
The iconoclast: Frederic loves poetry and music but he hates the visual arts to the point that, aided by a reactionary gang of teenagers who are upset with the world tendency of the image prevailing over the text, he gets into the Louvre Museum and equipped with knives, razor blades, scissors and all kinds of cutting gadgets, he destroys the works of Manet, Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Rousseau, Renoir, Dégas and all the others. With a cost about four thousand times bigger than Titanic, this movie is the most expensive in the film history.
Eureka: Katherine quiere encontrarse a sí misma y en su búsqueda descubre la diferencia entre futuro y porvenir, entre entrega y sacrificio, entre certeza y seguridad, entre las relaciones y los vínculos, entre el odio y la inquina, entre el espíritu y el alma, entre la semejanza y la similitud; aunque su descubrimiento es resguardado con celo y no trasciende al espectador, que sí está interesado en esto, deberá investigar por sí mismo, por su propia cuenta y riesgo.
Eureka: Katherine wants to find herself and in her search discovers the difference between the future to come and the time and things to come, between dedication and sacrifice, between certainty and assurance, between relations and links, between hate and aversion, between spirit and soul, between likeness and similitude; though her discovery is protected with zeal and it doesn't become known to the audience, that if it's interested in that, it must investigate by itself, at its own risk.