Translation of the song Perdón si te molesto con esta Sonatina artist Leo Masliah


Perdón si te molesto con esta Sonatina

English translation

Excuse me if I bother you with this Sonatina

Perdón si te molesto con esta Sonatina.

Excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.

Perdón si te molesto con esta Sonatina.

Excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.

Por cierto me molesta, es tonta y previsible.

Of course it bothers me, it's predictable and stupid.

¿Por qué me molestas con esa música trivial?

Why do you bother me with that trivial tune you play?

Trivial será tu abuela pero no esta sonatina.

Trivial might be your grandmother but not this sonatina.

Yo tuve que estudiar durante muchos años para poder componerla,

I had to study music for a lot of years to be able to compose it,

así que ahora la escuchás. Y si eso acaso te molesta,

so you'll have to listen it. And if this music maybe bothers you,

yo te pediré perdón si te molesto con esta sonatina.

I'm gonna say excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.

Perdón si te molesto pero ahora te aguantás.

Excuse me if I bother but you'll have to stand it now.

Perdón, perdón te pido yo pero no tengo la intención

Excuse me, you'll have to forgive me but I don't have the intention

de escuchar esa pavada. Por favor, dejame en paz.

of listening to that music. So please, leave me alone.

Yo creo que te estás apresurando mucho

I really think that you are hurrying up too much

al rechazar lo que vos no conoces.

just by rejecting what you still don't know yet.

Cierto peeeeeeeeeeeeeeero estoy en mi derecho

It's true buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I am in my right

al elegir, carajo, que quiero escuchar.

to choose whatever the hell I wanna listen to.

Es verdad, pero dame un minuto nada más

Yes is true, but just give me nothing more but a minute

para pedirte mil disculpas, no era para nada,

to apologize, because it wasn't my intention

mi intención de hacerte renegar. Yo solo quiero

of making you complain at all. I just want you

que te dignes a escuchar tan solo unos compases

to lower yourself to listen just a couple tempos

de esta sonatina, si es que no te molesta.

of this sonatina, if you don't really bother.

No sé como decirte lo que ya

I don't know how to tell you what I had

te dije más de una vez, y es que por amor de Dios,

said more than once previously, but for God sake,

la sonatina no la quiero escuchar más.

I don't wanna listen to the sonatina anymore.

Yo creo que te estás apresurando mucho

I really think that you are hurrying up too much

al rechazar lo que aún no conoces.

just by rejecting what you still don't know yet.

¿Como sabés si la continuación de esta sonatina

How do you know if the continuation of this sonatina

no te deja suspirando de placer?

really doesn't leave you sighing of delight?

Por eso te pido perdón si te molesto con esta sonatina.

So I'm gonna say excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.

Después ya vas a ver, que me lo vas a agradecer.

You'll see that after that, you're gonna thank me after that.

Dejate de joder. No creo que esa musiquita

Come on, give me a break. I really don't believe this silly music

pueda depararme nada nuevo en los compases que le quedan.

can provide me anything unknown on the remaining tempos.

Estás completamente equivocado.

You're totally and absolutely wrong. But,

Pero si vos querés que yo te lo demuestre,

if you do want me to demonstrate it to you,

es necesario que me tengas un poquito de paciencia.

it is necessary that you have a little patience for me.

Me tenés que permitir que te moleste con esta sonatina.

So you're gonna have to allow me to bother you with this sonatina.

No. No te lo voy a permitir.

No. I will not allow you that.

Quiero que me dejes sólo unos momentos y poder

What I do want is to be alone for a while so I can

concentrarme en una música que yo quiera cantar.

concentrate myself in a music that I do wish to sing.

Cantar como la calandria cuando vuela hacia la primavera.

I wish to sing like the mockingbird when it flies while singing to the springtime.

Cuidado que no estás cantando a la calandria

Beware that you are not singing to the mockingbird

sino que te estás dejando seducir sin darte cuenta

but without realizing you are getting so attracted

por esta sonatina.

just for this sonatina.

Ya basta por favor, que no lo aguanto más.

Just stop it, because I can't stand it anymore.

No quiero sonatinas. Prefiero bossa nova. (¿Que tal?)

I don't want sonatinas. I want a bossa nova. (How about it?)

Perdón si te molesto con esta bossa nova.

Excuse me if I bother you with this bossa nova.

No. No empieces ahora con una de esas musiquitas.

No. No. Please don't start playing one of those silly stupid musics.

Ah, yo creía que querías algo así, pero sí.

Ah, so I thought that you wanted something like this, but indeed.

Entonces falta que yo te moleste otro poquito con esta sonatina.

For another minute you are needing me to bother you with this sonatina.

Por Dios, decímelo. No te lo guardes para vos.

Just say it straight away. Just don't keep it to yourself.

No, vos no te preocupes, no es ese mi problema.

No, you don't have to worry, because that's not my problem.

La cosa es que no quiero sonatinas. Yo prefiero rock and roll.

My problem is I don't want sonatinas. I prefer some rock and roll.

Entonces, perdón si te molesto con este viejo riff.

Okay so, excuse me if I bother you with this piano riff.

No te perdono y te pido perdón

I don't forgive you and I say excuse

si te molesta esta terminación.

me if this ending is bothering you.

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