Translation of the song Perfumes artist Leo Masliah



English translation


Perfume de flores artificiales tenía ella

Perfume of artificial flowers she had

guardado en una botella

kept in a bottle

de humo proveniente de

of smoke coming from

sus sueños de estufa a leña.

her dreams of wood stove.

Vestidos hechos con tela floreada

Dresses made with flowery fabric

todos iguales

all alike

y el estampado

and the pattern

era de flores artificiales

was of artificial flowers

que le quedaban tan naturales.

that looked so natural.

Perfume de flores artificiales

Perfume of artificial flowers

sacadas de árboles genealógicos

taken from genealogic trees

y de plantas de tres ambientes climatizados.

and floors of three air-conditioned environments.

Perfumes embotellados

Bottled perfumes

en celdas herméticas y oscuras

in secretive and dark cells

en celdas herméticas y oscuras

in secretive and dark cells

construidas por viejos curas.

built by old priests.

Palabras de perfumados sentidos ella decía

Words of perfumed senses she said

y siempre las repetía

and always repeated them

buscando alguna verdad

looking for some truth

que hubiera vivido en ellas.

that she had lived in them.

Palabras que como arreglos florales

Words that like flower arrangements

de funerales

of funerals

eran el alma

were the soul

de cuantos consagrados rituales

of many acclaimed rituals

se celebraban en sus modales.

celebrated in her manners.

Perfume de flores gramaticales,

Perfume of grammatical flowers,

fragancia de papeles pintados

scent of wallpapers painted

con flores en las paredes de un viejo consultorio.

with flowers on the walls of an old office.

Perfumes de velatorio

Perfumes of funeral

sentí cuando ella se despedía

I felt when she said goodbye

sentí cuando ella se despedía

I felt when she said goodbye

diciendo que con flor no quería.

saying that she didn't want flowers.

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