Translation of the song Que te pasará artist Leo Masliah


Que te pasará

English translation

What's wrong with you

Que te pasará que estás rara.

What's wrong with you that you're weird.

Aquella expresión de tu cara.

That expression of your face.

Sólo me mirás

You only look at me

cuando ves que estoy apunto de parpadear.

when you see that I'm about to blink.

Hace días que me parece,

It's been days that it seems to me

que vos me besás menos veces.

that you kiss me less times.

Y que no lo hacés

And that you don't do it

como siempre antes, bueno, vos me entendés.

like always before, well, you understand me.

Algo te pasó, lo presiento,

Something happened to you, I sense it,

que te aceleró el aliento.

that it speeded up your breath.

Y hace días que, ya no te ponés en el café

And it's been days that, you don't put in the coffee

tanto azucar, yo te controlé casi todo el mes.

so much sugar, I controled you almost all the month.

Que te pasará que tu charla,

What's wrong with you that your talking

hoy me cuesta más agarrarla.

I find harder to catch hold of it today.

Algo te cambió

Something changed

la frecuencia modulada de tu emisión.

the modulated frequency of your broadcasting.

Qué te sucedió que llegaste

What happened to you that you came

y de sopetón, apagaste

and suddenly, you turned off

la televisión,

the TV,

cuando siempre ni durmiendo te molestó.

when it never bothered you neither sleeping.

Algo te pasó, no es por nada.

Something happened to you, no offence.

Te cambiaron las coordenadas.

They changed your coordinates.

Alguien te lavó el cerebro. Dime quién es él.

Someone brainwashed you. Tell me who was.

Si es acaso de la KGB o la UCD.

Is he maybe from the KGB or the UCD.

Si vos no me das una pista,

If you don't give me a clue,

me las va a pagar tu analista.

your analyst will pay it.

Ese fanfarrón.

That boastful.

No hay derecho a que te cambie tu corazón.

There's no right that he changes your heart.

Que te pasará que hace días,

What's wrong with you that it's been days,

ya no demostrás alegría.

you don't show joy,

Cuando me encontrás

When you find me

de repente en casa a veces cuando llegás.

suddenly at home sometimes when you arrive.

Algo va a pasar, lo presiento.

Something will happen, I sense it.

Debe ser cuestión de momento.

It must be momentary thing.

Eso que tenés en la mano, creo que no es

That thing you have in the hand, I don't think

de juguete. ¿Que te propones.......disparándome?

that is a toy. What's your purpose... by shooting me?

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