Translation of the song Werner artist Leo Masliah
Werner era ignorante, inmoral, morboso, sórdido, mentiroso, feo, malpensado, sucio, execrable, pervertido, impuntual, lujurioso, porfiado, haragán, egoísta, académico, desordenado, inhábil, detestable, mezquino, huraño, holgazán, intrigante, creído, lascivo, desatento, inmundo, culturoso, avaro, libertino, altanero, traidor, coqueto, arrogante, soberbio, presuntuoso, insensato, trasnochador, malviviente, vanidoso, antipático, demasiado pagado de sí mismo, torpe, desconfiado, tramposo, estafador, avieso, desabrido, irascible, fatuo, obstinado, vicioso, displicente, mugriento, abstruso, depravado, cruel, chismoso, grosero, despiadado, soez, intrigante, presumido, testarudo, perverso, descarado, tacaño, glotón, vago, informal, quisquilloso, intratable, engreído, malicioso, suspicaz, malcriado, necio, entrometido, jactancioso, fullero, senil, descortés, atolondrado, fanfarrón, insufrible, terco, desleal, inmaduro, ruin, maleducado, simplón, incapaz, desvergonzado, pérfido, fluctuante, cargoso, lerdo, rústico, descocado, receloso, esquivo, hostil, atropellado, enredador, infame, adulador y malhablado.
Werner was an ignorant, immoral, morbid, sordid, liar, ugly, naughty, dirty, abominable, perverted, late, luxurious, stubborn, lazy, selfish, academic, messy, unskilled, hateable, mean, shy, idle, schemer, concieted, lewd, careless, gross, culture vulture, greedy, libertine, haughty, traitor, flirty, arrogant, proud, presumptuous, unwise, night bird, outlaw, vain, obnoxious, too full of himself, clumsy, mistrustful, cheater, swindler, malicious, tasteless, irascible, fatuous, obstinate, vicious, scornful, filthy, abstruse, rake, cruel, gossiper, vulgar, heartless, rude, misterious, boastful, balky, wicked, shameless, tightfisted, hoggish, vague, informal, picky, intractable, smug, malicious, suspicious, spoiled, stupid, nosy, swank, useless, senile, impolite, flighty, loud-mouthed, dreadful, pig-headed, unloyal, immature, despicable, ill-mannered, gullible, incompetent, insolent, betrayer, unsteady, annoying, moron, rustic, brazen, distrusting, unsociable, hostile, hurried, troublemaker, unfamous, butt kisser and foul-mouthed.
Es una suerte, hija, que no te hayas casado con él.
You're lucky, daughter, that you didn't marry him.