Werner era ignorante, inmoral, morboso, sórdido, mentiroso, feo, malpensado, sucio, execrable, pervertido, impuntual, lujurioso, porfiado, haragán, egoísta, académico, desordenado, inhábil, detestable, mezquino, huraño, holgazán, intrigante, creído, lascivo, desatento, inmundo, culturoso, avaro, libertino, altanero, traidor, coqueto, arrogante, soberbio, presuntuoso, insensato, trasnochador, malviviente, vanidoso, antipático, demasiado pagado de sí mismo, torpe, desconfiado, tramposo, estafador, avieso, desabrido, irascible, fatuo, obstinado, vicioso, displicente, mugriento, abstruso, depravado, cruel, chismoso, grosero, despiadado, soez, intrigante, presumido, testarudo, perverso, descarado, tacaño, glotón, vago, informal, quisquilloso, intratable, engreído, malicioso, suspicaz, malcriado, necio, entrometido, jactancioso, fullero, senil, descortés, atolondrado, fanfarrón, insufrible, terco, desleal, inmaduro, ruin, maleducado, simplón, incapaz, desvergonzado, pérfido, fluctuante, cargoso, lerdo, rústico, descocado, receloso, esquivo, hostil, atropellado, enredador, infame, adulador y malhablado.
Werner was an ignorant, immoral, morbid, sordid, liar, ugly, naughty, dirty, abominable, perverted, late, luxurious, stubborn, lazy, selfish, academic, messy, unskilled, hateable, mean, shy, idle, schemer, concieted, lewd, careless, gross, culture vulture, greedy, libertine, haughty, traitor, flirty, arrogant, proud, presumptuous, unwise, night bird, outlaw, vain, obnoxious, too full of himself, clumsy, mistrustful, cheater, swindler, malicious, tasteless, irascible, fatuous, obstinate, vicious, scornful, filthy, abstruse, rake, cruel, gossiper, vulgar, heartless, rude, misterious, boastful, balky, wicked, shameless, tightfisted, hoggish, vague, informal, picky, intractable, smug, malicious, suspicious, spoiled, stupid, nosy, swank, useless, senile, impolite, flighty, loud-mouthed, dreadful, pig-headed, unloyal, immature, despicable, ill-mannered, gullible, incompetent, insolent, betrayer, unsteady, annoying, moron, rustic, brazen, distrusting, unsociable, hostile, hurried, troublemaker, unfamous, butt kisser and foul-mouthed.