Translation of the song ¡AAAHHH! artist Leo Masliah
La madre del monstruo estaba ahí, con la cuchilla contra el pescuezo de su hijo, tratando de pensar con claridad. Lo había maniatado tomándolo por sorpresa mientras dormía, y no sabia si matarlo o permitirle prolongar su miserable y nociva existencia por unos años más, hasta que las tensiones musculares originadas en su propia deformidad acabaran por despedazarlo.
The mother of the monster was there, with the knife against the throat of her son, trying to think clearly. She tied his hands taking him by surprise while he was sleeping, and she didn't know if to kill him or to let him extend his miserable and damaging existence some years more, until the muscular tensions coming from his own deformity end up tearing him apart.
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó, como para despejar su mente de disquisiciones superfluas.
-AAAHHH!- she shouted, as to clear her mind from superfluous digressions.
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó también el monstruo, aterrorizado ante la presión de la hoja de acero contra su garganta.
-AAAHHH!- shouted the monster, terrified before the pressure of the razor blade against his throat
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó la madre, tratando de ahuyentar el impulso filicida. La tentación era fuerte, pero no podía ceder ante ella, sin estar completamente segura de que estaría haciendo lo correcto.
-AAAHHH!- shouted the mother, trying to scare away the filicidal impulse. The temptation was strong, but she couldn't give in, without being completely sure that she was doing the right thing.
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó el monstruo, para atemorizar a su agresora.
-AAAHHH!- shouted the monster, to scare his aggressor.
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó ella, mostrándole que no era fácil de intimidar.
-AAAHHH!- she shouted, showing him that she wasn't easy to intimidate.
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó el, agobiado por la impotencia. Cuatro vueltas de alambre de púa mantenían sus piernas y sus brazos fijos las unas contra los otros.
-AAAHHH!- he shouted, overwhelmed by the impotence. Four rolls of barbed wire were keeping his arms and legs fixed the ones with the others
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó la madre, queriendo infundirse ánimos para asestar la puñalada fatal.
-AAAHHH!- shouted the mother, wanting to fill herself with bravery to give the fatal stabbing.
-¡AAAHHH! – grito el monstruo, tratando de impostar la voz y de imprimirle vibrato, como para apelar a la sensibilidad musical de la mamá.
-AAAHHH!-shouted the monster, trying to project his voice and bringing a vibrato, to appeal the musical sensitivity of the mother
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó esta, queriendo acallarlo.
-AAAHHH!- she shouted, wanting to silence him
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó el, sumido en la desesperación de no saber ya que hacer.
-AAAHHH!- he shouted, sank in the desperation of not knowing what to do
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó ella, para ver si repitiendo lo que decía su hijo podía entenderlo mejor.
-AAAHHH!- she shouted, to see if repeating what she said his son could understand better.
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó el, pensando que si hasta ahora el gritar así lo había mantenido a salvo, lo mejor que podía hacer era seguir gritando.
-AAAHHH!- he shouted, thinking that if shouting like this kept him safe until now, the best he could do was to keep shouting.
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó ella, sin razón aparente, y quizá solo porque era su turno.
-AAAHHH!- she shouted, without any reason, and maybe because it was her turn
-¡AAAHHH! – gritó el, y este grito sonó como una amenaza de que la próxima vez gritaría mas fuerte.
-AAAHHH!- he shouted, and that yell sounded as a menace that next time he would scream louder.
Bien niños, eso es todo por hoy. Mañana vamos a ver la letra “b”.
Ok, children, that's all for today. Tomorrow we will study the letter B