Translation of the song Bura artist Kićo Slabinac



English translation


Gotovo je, to si htjela znati

It's over, that is what you wanted to know

Vidim s drugim već ti misli lete

I see your thoughts are already flying with someone else

Idi, idi i nemoj me zvati

Go, go away and don't call me

Neću suze da me na te sjete

I don't want tears to remind me of you

Idi, idi i nemoj me zvati

Go, go away and don't call me

Ti si samo razmaženo dijete

You are just a spoiled kid



Slušam noćas kako tuku bure

I listen tonight how bora rages

Gledam, spavaš, zastale su ure

I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going

Ja te grlim, ti me u snu ljubiš

I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping

Nasmijana, a ne znaš da gubiš

You're smiling, and you don't know you're losing

Slušam noćas kako tuku bure

I listen tonight how bora rages

Gledam, spavaš, zastale su ure

I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going

Ja te grlim, ti me u snu ljubiš

I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping

Neka je sretan tko te tako gubi

Let the one who loses you like that be happy

Svršeno je, evo ovaj puta

It has ended, well this time

Nismo znali da smo blizu kraja

We didn't know we're close to the end

Po pučini mjesečina pluta

Moonlight wanders over the surface

S našom lađom mrtvo more valja

It rolls the dead sea carrying our boat

Moje srce naviklo da luta

My heart used to ramble

Tvoju dušu stvorenu da fraja

Your soul used to wasting



Slušam noćas kako tuku bure

I listen tonight how bora rages

Gledam, spavaš, zastale su ure

I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going

Ja te grlim, ti me u snu ljubiš

I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping

Nasmijana, a ne znaš da gubiš

You're smiling, and you don't know you're losing

Slušam noćas kako tuku bure

I listen tonight how bora rages

Gledam, spavaš, zastale su ure

I watch, you sleep, clocks stopped going

Ja te grlim, ti me u snu ljubiš

I hug you, you kiss me while sleeping

Neka je sretan tko te tako gubi

Let the one who loses you like that be happy

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