Translation of the song Povečerje artist Kićo Slabinac
Kad padne mrak i cvijeće pogne glave
When night falls and flowers bow their heads
Kad zadnji zrak izgubi svoju moć
When last ray of light loses it's power
Kad zvijezde sna sa neba nam se jave
When night stars greet us from the sky
Sa pjesmom ovom ti želim laku noć
I wish you a good night with this song
Mirno snivaj, zemljo moja stara,
Sleep quietly, my old land,
Rodni dome, imaj miran san
My home land, I wish you a quiet sleep
Tebe čuva hiljade čuvara
Thousands of guards watch over you
S tobom sviće svaki novi dan
With you every new day rises
Kad mjesec žut niz oblak tiho krene
When the yellow moon silently goes along a cloud
Na dalek put će s njime snovi poć'
Dreams will follow it for a long journey
Kad čuješ bat i srca noćne smjene
When you hear the striking clock and the night shifts of the heart
Sa pjesmom ovom ti želim laku noć
I wish you a good night with this song
Mirno snivaj, zemljo moja stara,
Sleep quietly, my old land,
Rodni dome, imaj miran san
My home land, I wish you a quiet sleep
Tebe čuva hiljade čuvara
Thousands of guards watch over you
S tobom sviće svaki novi dan
With you every new day rises