Translation of the song U Ime Slobode artist Kićo Slabinac


U Ime Slobode

English translation

In the name of freedom

Neka odjeknu salve i snažni plotuni,

Let the shells of the mighty artillery strike an earth-shattering echo

Na poljima tvojim nek mir vlada svud,

May peace be everywhere in your land

Za sve tvoje majke i za djecu svu

For the sake of your mothers and children

Mi svoj ne žalimo trud!

We do not regret our efforts!


We make a promise to you

Svoju riječ dajemo ti mi, (2x)

We make you a promise

U ime slobode

In the name of freedom

I ljubavi naše,

And our love!

Rasti, zemljo, bratstvo kao div,

Grow, earth, brotherhood like a giant!

U ime života

In the name of life

I zastave slave

And the banner of glory

Naš zavjet primi ti!

To you we pledge our vows!

Neka sve tvoje rijeke i planine sure

Let all your rivers and mountains

O bitkama slavnim svud pronose glas,

Spread the sound of valiant battles everywhere

Za bratstvo, jedinstvo, za tvoj lijepši san

For brotherhood and unity, for your better dreams

U stroj primi, zemljo, nas!

We obey the call, country*!


We make a promise to you

Ti primi zavjet naš!

You accept our vows!

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