Translation of the song ASSaultar artist Nightmare



English translation


完全、煌びやかなデイズも 何不自由無いライフも

What if your perfect, gorgeous days and comfortable life

何もかも全て消え失せたら さあオマエはどうする?

And everything disappeared, what would you do?

いい加減に笑えてくるだろ この先に何が起こるのか

It's pretty laughable, isn't it? What will happen from now on?

まだわからないって 思考停止の戯れ言か

Saying you still don't understand, is that a prank of an inability to think?

そう期待するほど 楽観は死を招く

Yeah, such hopeful optimism beckons death

風に流るる雲 揺らぐ水面

The clouds flowing in the wind stir the water's surface


If I lived calmly, even my thorns would become dull

瞬間、パッと開いた花が 突然枯れるように生きたい

This moment, I want to live like how a flower that's suddenly opened up abruptly withers

開いた傷口 閉じたらまた薔薇みたいに開け

When the opening of the wound closes, it opens again like a rose

忘れたくないアイロニー 流れ溶け出すフィロソフィ

An irony I don't want to forget, the flowing philosophy begins to melt

握った手の中 伸びた爪が肌に食い込む

The grown nails in my clenched fist dig into my skin

優柔不断 この期に及んで決断を下せないでいるのかい

Can indecisiveness not make a decision at the last moment?

お先真っ暗って MOBどもに言われたとしても

Even if the mobs say the future is very bleak

どれが正解って 決められているわけでもない

It's not like it's been decided which is correct


Waiting, just waiting for a miracle to happen


When nothing happens, just who's fault is it?

断然、終わりを悟ったとき そこから全て始まり

Definitely, when you've discerned the end, it all starts from there

ようやく光が見えるような そうでもないような

Like being able to see the light at last, but not like that either

虚しい気持ちなど 握り潰すくらいストロングマインド

A strong mind to crush things like empty feelings

そう何も無いさ ここからただ這い上がるだけだ

Yeah, they're nothing, they'll just creep up on you from here on

舞台は終わらない 演目はまだ続いている

The stage will never end. The show is still going on

暗転、全て見えなくなって ようやく見えてきたものが

Blackout, everything out of sight, I finally saw something

こんなものだけじゃ報われない はい、やり直し

But I won't be rewarded just by these kind of things. Yes, I'll do it again

パッと開いた花が 突然枯れるように往きたい

I want to live like how a flower that's suddenly opened up abruptly withers

開いた傷口 閉じたらまた薔薇みたいに開け

When the opening of the wound closes, it opens again like a rose

姿消した太陽 これから夜が始まる

The sun has set, from here on night begins

素敵な悪夢を見たいのなら さあこっちにおいで

If you'd like to see a beautiful nightmare, come to me

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