Translation of the song fragment artist Nightmare
I dreamt
In the dark, dark outskirts of town
誰一人 姿はなく 灯りもない
Nobody, no shapes, no light either
The lukewarm, damp wind taught me loneliness
君の名を叫んでみても 空間に消える
Even if I try to call out your name, it disappears in the space
Searching for the end of this endlessly extending night,
歩き出す その瞬間にその夢は終わった
That dream ended in that moment I began walking
時間だけは 変わらずに流れ続け
Time alone keeps flowing without change
虚しさは この体を突き刺した
And emptiness pierced my body
君のいない隙間が怖くて レプリカで埋めた
Scared of the gap without you, I buried it with replicas
君の名を叫んでみても 空間に消える
Even if I try to call out your name, it disappears in the space
こんなにも近くに居るのに 心は遠くて
You're so close to me, and yet your heart is so far
いつの日か その記憶からも消えて 全てが無に戻るのか
Will I disappear from your memories one day, and will everything return to nothing?
変われないから あの日に無くして
I couldn't change, so I lost you on that day
I can't smile even now
長過ぎる夜に 終わりを届けた
They announced it was over on a too long night
The hoarse cicada voices
君のいない隙間が怖くて レプリカで埋めた
Scared of the gap without you, I buried it with replicas
君の名を叫んでみても 空間に消える
Even if I try to call out your name, it disappears in the space
こんなにも近くに居るのに 心は遠くて
You're so close to me, and yet your heart is so far
いつの日か その記憶からも消えて 全てが無となるのか
Will I disappear from your memories one day, and will everything return to nothing?
Into small fragments?
変われないから あの日に無くして
I couldn't change, so I lost you on that day
I can't smile even now
They continue sleeping at the bottom of the dark earth
Tears of the cicadas
A spring when cherry blossoms don't bloom ends again
With this, how many times has it been?
変わらない日々を ただ告げるだけの
They just tell of days that won't change
The hoarse cicada voices