Translation of the song シアン artist Nightmare
いつから見失い いつまで続くだろう
Since when did I lose sight of it? How long will I go on?
ただ繰り返した 愚かな戯言
It just repeated over and over, a stupid practical joke.
知らぬ間に亡くした 揺るがないはずの夢
Without knowing it I lost my dream that should be unwavering
もう引き返せぬ 時代に捨てられた犬
Yet I don't turn back, a dog abandoned by the era.
ふわりふわり夜を数えた そこに意味を求めながら
I counted the nights softly, softly, while seeking the meaning within them.
生きて生くことの虚しさに 自分を切り刻んだ
I chopped myself up in the emptiness of living life.
未来も現実もわからないまま 季節は流れた
Without understanding the future and reality, the seasons flowed by.
いつかの夢を見た 眩しく笑っていた
I had a dream one day, it was so radiant I laughed.
I cant laugh anymore like I did that innocent day.
ふいに通り抜けた 枯葉混じりの冷気
A chill mixed with dead leaves suddenly cut through;
I recognized the shortness of the time I had left.
ふわりふわりおちる粉雪 僕に何ができるのか
The powder snow gently, gently falls; what can I do?
そして出会う君の眩しさに 曇る空 陽が射した
And then in the radiance of meeting you the sun shone in the clouded sky.
The more I yearn for you, the further you drift away. Why?
君に出会えた ただそれだけで
I was able to meet you and just with that
生きてみたく思えた 冷酷なほど
I could think that I wanted to try to live, to a cruel extent.
変わらない距離 ガラスの裏の恋
The unchanging distance, love from the other side of the glass
曇りだす空 霞みゆく君
The sky gets cloudy, you become blurry;
また始まる 意味の無い 歪んだ日々が…
Starting over again, the meaningless distorted days.